February 23, 2001
Legislative updates
Watch the Office of Governmental Relations Web site for updates on state
legislative activities and their potential impact on Iowa State. Andy
Baumert, ISU's state legislative liaison, provides the updates throughout
the legislative session. Titled "Initiatives," the updates are highlighted
in the yellow box on the Web site at http://www.gov.iastate.edu/.
Diversity celebration planned
A diversity celebration will be held 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Thursday, March 8
(International Women's Day) in the Molecular Biology atrium. Educational
programs, displays, performances and ethnic refreshments will be featured.
For information, call the Catt center, 4-3181.
Children's choir festival reset
The Feb. 9 Midwest Children's Choir Festival, postponed due to inclement
weather, will begin at 7 p.m. Friday, April 27, in C.Y. Stephens
Women chemists sought
The library seeks women with careers in chemistry and chemical
engineering since WWII as part of an oral history project of the Archives of
Women in Science and Engineering. The archives also will partner with WOI
Radio to create a broadcast series featuring segments of the oral histories.
For more information, contact Tanya Zanish-Belcher, 4-6648.
Former band director honored
The ISU Wind Ensemble will honor Joe Christensen, director of bands
until his death in 1998, with a premier performance of Concerto for Alto
Saxophone and Wind Ensemble. The free concert will begin at 3 p.m.
Sunday, March 4, in Tye Hall, Music Building.
Faculty conference date set
The faculty spring conference, "Redefining the Borders: The Faculty's
New Role in a Changing Society," will be March 30-31 at Central College,
Pella. Nominations from departments and self-nominations are due to Jane
Henning, 204 Lab of Mechanics, by 5 p.m. Friday, Feb. 23. Questions should
be directed to Christine Pope, 4-1284,
Call for proposals
The Computation Advisory Committee is accepting proposals for funds
gathered through the university-wide student computer fee. Proposal
guidelines are online at:
Beardshear offices relocate
As part of the remodeling project in Beardshear, the Graduate College
will relocate to 10 Pearson by Wednesday, Feb. 28, and Sponsored Programs to
15 Pearson on March 5-7.
Medical emergency workshop
An eight-day Wilderness First Responder workshop will be held May 6-13.
Meals and housing are not included in the $453 registration, due by 4 p.m.
Friday, March 2, in 0260 State Gym. For more information, call
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
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