February 9, 2001
ISUCards are free
Since Jan. 1, faculty, staff (excluding XH) and retirees no longer are
charged $4 for new ISUCards or a $15 replacement fee. Card holders also can
obtain one free replacement for lost, stolen or damaged cards each fiscal
year. The free replacement uses an on-file photo. Retaking a photo costs
$15. The ISUCard is used for identification, as a library card and as a cash
card in campus vending machines and stores.
Use your new ISU Plan cards
Faculty, P&S and supervisory merit employees with ISU Plan health care
coverage should have received (or soon receive) new ID cards from Health
Alliance and Wellmark. The cards were mailed last week. Employees should
show the new ID cards when they receive services at phamacies, hospitals or
other health care providers.
Spring enrollment sets record
Iowa State's spring enrollment is the highest in school history. Iowa
State enrolled 25,088 students this spring, an increase of 755 over spring
2000. The 2001 enrollment includes:
- 20,889 undergraduate students (638 more than last year).
- 4,199 graduate students (117 more than spring 2000).
Cholesterol screening available on campus
The Student Health Center will offer discounted cholesterol screenings to
ISU students, faculty, staff and the Ames community Feb. 12-24. Cholesterol
screenings will take place on the first floor of the Student Health Center
during normal clinic hours. A 12-hour fast is required. The cost is $9. For
more information, contact Brian Dunn, 4-2700, or Lauri Dusselier,
Volunteers sought for conversational program
English-speaking volunteers are needed for the Conversational English
Program, which pairs international students and visitors with volunteers.
The volunteers learn about different cultures, while international students
improve their communication skills. For more information, contact Swathi
Ravichandran, 4 Hamilton, 4-3370.
Seagrave, McLaughlin on Talk of IowaFeb. 12
Interim president Richard Seagrave and Teresa McLaughlin, manager of Reiman
Gardens, will be guests on the Monday, Feb. 12, edition of Talk of
Iowa on WOI-AM Radio. The live, call-in program airs from 10 to 11 a.m.
weekdays on 640 AM.
Phone book recycling sets new campus record
Volunteers with the ISU Recycling Committee collected 9.76 tons of used
phone books for recycling from campus offices on Dec. 9. The previous record
of 9.41 tons was set a year ago. Recycling phone books saves the university
hundreds of dollars a year in user fees at the city's resource recovery
Concerns about university policies sought
A University Committee on Women subcommittee is compiling student, staff
and faculty concerns on any university policy (such as leave policies), and
enforcement of exisiting policies. The subcommittee plans to categorize
these concerns and send them to the Provost Office and other appropriate
administrators. Concerns can be e-mailed to UCWPolicy@iastate.edu.
Gift will set up faculty chairs in finance, economics
Iowa State has received a deferred gift of $3 million from alumna and
economist Deloris Wright, Golden, Colo., a vice president at the consulting
firm of Charles River Associates of Boston. Wright earned her doctorate in
economics from Iowa State in 1973.
She committed $1.5 million each for the Wright Endowed Chair in Economics
and the Wright Endowed Chair in Finance. At Wright's request, the
economics chair will be held by a woman to provide an opportunity for a
female professor to be a role model for students.
P&S/Extension day is April 17
The second staff professional development day planned cooperatively by the
Professional and Scientific Council and ISU Extension employees will be held
from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday, April 17, at the Starlite Village Best
Western, Ames. David Roe, president of Central College, Pella, will give the
keynote address on leadership. Details about other discussion topics are
available from the P&S
Council's Web site.
Credit union annual meeting
The annual meeting of the ISU Community Credit Union will be held Saturday,
March 31, in the Memorial Union South Ballroom. A social hour (cash bar)
begins at 6 p.m., dinner at 6:30 p.m. and election of directors and business
meeting at 7:30 p.m. Candidates for the board are Deb Burdick, Mark Davis,
Linda Galvin and Chuck Miller. Tickets ($5) are available at the credit
union through March 27.
Plant sciences colloquium open to public
"Plant Sciences Research and its Impact on Society," is the theme
for the Plant Sciences Institute Colloquium-2001, Saturday, Feb. 17. It will
be held from 8:15 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Molecular Biology Building
auditorium and atrium, and is free and open to the public.
Student research posters will be featured during the first hour. Stephen
Howell, institute director, will talk about the institute's first year
and present his vision for the future. Outgoing interim institute director
Colin Scanes will be honored.
Reservations for a complimentary lunch are requested by Feb. 14. Contact
Flora Tyler, 4-5252, ftyler@iastate.edu.
Strong-Minded Women nominees sought
The Carrie Chapman Catt Center for Women and Politics is accepting
nominations for the 2001 Strong-Minded Women Awards. All current and retired
faculty and staff, students, Iowa State alumnae and Ames residents are
eligible. Nominations must be received by 5 p.m. Friday, March 2. Recipients
will be honored at a dinner, awards ceremony and reception Monday, April 9.
Nomination forms are available from the Catt center, 309 Catt Hall, 4-3181;
or from the center's Web site,
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
Copyright © 1995-2001, Iowa State University. All rights reserved.