January 26, 2001
Master teachers excel in using technology
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences administrators have named six faculty
as "master teachers" this year. The college started the master teacher
program a year ago when it recognized teachers who excelled at teaching
large classes. The six in this year's group were selected for their
innovative use of technology in teaching. They are: David Stuart, music; Tom
Ingebritsen, zoology and genetics; Doug Yarger, geology and atmospheric
sciences; Rebecca Burnett, English; Steffen Schmidt, political science; and
Bob Stephenson, statistics.
In cooperation with the Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE), the six will
lead a faculty forum discussion in February. Each faculty member also will
lead a workshop this semester on his or her technological specialty.
The faculty forum and dinner will be held Tuesday, Feb. 20, in the Memorial
Union Campanile Room. Dinner begins at 6 p.m., with discussion following at
6:45 p.m. The forum will be repeated from noon to 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb.
21, in the Campanile Room. Bring your own lunch. The CTE will provide
beverages and dessert.
Following are details on the six free workshops (reservations requested,
contact Jane Henning, 4-2906, njhenni@iastate.edu):
- Feb. 28, noon-1:30 p.m., Stuart, "Using Technology in Performance-based
Presentations," Tye Hall, Music Building.
- March 5, 3-4:30 p.m., Ingebritsen, "How to Teach a Course on the
Internet -- Project BIO," 1230 Communications.
- March 22, 3:30-5 p.m., Yarger, "Using Technology to Create Learning
Environments," 1140 Howe.
- March 28, 3:30-5 p.m., Burnett, "Formative Feedback via Technology,"
1230 Communications.
- April 5, 2-4:30 p.m., Stephenson, "Technology for Distance Education,"
1344 Howe.
- April 17, 3:30-5 p.m., Schmidt, "Enhancing Traditional Teaching with
Technology," 1230 Communications.
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
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