January 26, 2001
Leadership program begins
Thirty-two participants (15 staff, 17 faculty) were selected for the
three-year Shared Leadership for Institutional Change program. The program,
funded by the Kellogg Foundation ($265,000) and the Provost Office
($75,000), is intended to prepare women and minorities for leadership roles
in higher education through theory teaching, application and hands-on
The program begins Jan. 26-27 with a retreat in Perry focusing on
organizational and leadership theory, and group interaction. It will
continue this spring with topical workshops and resume in the fall with
monthly meetings and a mentoring program.
Dianne Bystrom, Catt Center; and John Schuh, educational leadership and
policy studies, are the project directors. Ann Fields, who formerly
coordinated the Kellogg VISION 2020 project, is project coordinator.
Participants are: Shirley Basfield Dunlap, theater; Frank Bell, Design; Dawn
Bratsch-Prince, Spanish; Charlotte Bronson, plant pathology; Cathy Brown,
facilities planning and management; Kristen Constant, materials science and
engineering; Jane Davis, English; Niki Davis, curriculum and instruction;
and Diane Debinski, animal ecology.
Also, Julie Harders, public safety; Margo Holland, veterinary microbi-ology
and preventive medicine; Cynthia Jeffrey, accounting; Ramesh Kanwar, Ag
Experiment Station; Danette Kenne, economics (Ag); Donna Kienzler, English;
Jackie Litt, sociology and women's studies; Barbara Lograsso, Women in
Science and Engineering; Eugenio Matibag, Spanish; Evadean Myers,
affirmative action office; and Sharmon Norris, CIRAS.
Also, Jane Peterson, Greenlee School of Journalism and Communication; Elena
Polouchkina, Agriculture; Donald Reed, athletics; Erin Rosacker, athletics
media relations; Penny Rosenthal, Off-Campus and Adult Student Services;
Lita Rule, forestry; Debra Sanborn, admissions; Rebecca Kellogg;
Engineering; Ken Smith, residence department; Yalem Teshome, African
American and women's studies; Patricia Thiel; chemistry; and En-Min Zhou,
veterinary diagnostic and production animal medicine.