January 26, 2001
Applications sought for provost office position
Provost Rollin Richmond is seeking nominations and
applications for an associate provost position. Current
associate provost Faye Whitaker plans to retire soon. The new
position will be a 75 percent appointment for a tenured
faculty member with primary responsibilities in faculty
recruitment, development and evaluation; and policy,
personnel and conduct matters. For more information, contact
Alicia Carriquiry, 4-5553, or see the associate provost
position Web site at
Before the Super Bowl,
it's the Science Bowl
Forty-eight student teams from around the state will
compete in
the Ames Laboratory/Iowa State University High School Science
Bowl Saturday, Jan. 27, in the Memorial Union. About 100 Ames
Lab and ISU volunteers will assist with the fast-paced
The winning team and its coach receive an all-expenses-paid
trip to Washington, D.C., in May to compete in the National
Science Bowl competition.
Opening ceremonies begin at
8 a.m., with the first match scheduled for 8:30 a.m. An
awards ceremony will begin at approximately 5 p.m.
Honors seminar proposals due
The University Honors Program Committee is accepting
proposals for Honors seminars for 2001-2002 through March 2.
Honors seminars are open only to Honors students and examine
topics of current or special interest. The Honors program
allocates $500 to Honors program instructor(s) for their
professional development. To submit proposals or receive more
information, contact the Honors office in Osborn Cottage,
25-Year Club banquet set
The 67th annual banquet of
the ISU 25-Year Club will be held Tuesday, March 27, in
Scheman. A social hour will begin at 5:30 p.m., followed by
dinner at 6:30 p.m. Invitations to employees who completed 25
years of employment or 300 cumulative months by Dec. 31,
2000, will be mailed the end of January. Employees who have
completed 35 years of service also will be honored. Those who
think they're eligible for membership in the club but don't
receive an invitation should contact Betty Licht, 4-3830. All
honorees will be guests of the club. Others who wish to
attend may make reservations by calling 4-3830 by March 14.
Cost is $17.50 per person.
President's Leadership Initiative Awards
Faculty and staff are asked to encourage students to
apply for the 2001 President's Leadership Initiative Awards,
which recognize under-graduates who have demonstrated
superior leadership in campus and off-campus activities and
show strong leadership potential. The application deadline is
Feb. 7. Awards apply to Fall 2001 tuition bill. Application
forms and awards information can be downloaded from the dean
of students homepage (
Applications also are available at the Student Answer Center,
Pearson Hall; Vice President for Student Affairs, Beardshear
Hall; and the Student Activities Center,
B6 Memorial Union. For more info, call Kelly Chavez, 4-
Veishea is April 20-22
Veishea 2001, "Creating Cyclone Unity," will be held
April 20-22. The event will be alcohol-free. The Stars Over
Veishea musical, Oklahoma!,
will be presented Friday and Saturday evenings and Sunday
afternoon of Veishea weekend.
Estes to perform with children's choir
Simon Estes, distinguished artist-in-residence in the
music department, will perform with a mass children's choir
during the Midwest Children's Choir Festival at 7 p.m.
Feb. 9, at Stephens Auditorium. Tickets are $10 for adults;
$5 for seniors and students.
P&S Council seeks nominees
Nominations for representatives to the Professional and
Scientific Council are due Feb. 16. The council serves as a
resource and advocate for P&S employees. The election will be
held in March and three-year council terms begin in July.
Individuals may nominate themselves. Vacancies exist this
spring in all six areas of representation. For more
information, visit the council's Web site,
Downhill ski trip Feb. 9-10
The Outdoor Recreation Center is sponsoring a ski and
snowboarding trip to Welch Village ski resort, near Red Wing,
Minn., on Feb. 9-10. The $43 cost for faculty and staff
includes transportation and a lift ticket. Equipment rental
is available at Welch Village. The registration deadline is
4 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 30, in
0260 State Gym.
ISU units host
e-business conference
Several Iowa State units sponsored a national
conference, "e-Business
4 Small Business," Jan. 15-16 in
Las Vegas. The conference drew participants from small
businesses, including non-profits; and govern-ment agencies
in 37 states.
ISU sponsors included the Iowa Manufacturing Extension
Partnership, Continuing and Extended Education, North Central
Regional Center for Rural Development and the Center for
Industry Research and Services.
The conference was intended to educate small business owners
about the philosophical, legal, technical, financial and
marketing aspects of
e-business. Conference speakers addressed topics such as
technologies that build e-business, e-business security, how
to get found on the Web, high speed and wireless Internet
connections for rural areas and
e-business insurance.