Inside Iowa State
December 21, 2000
Bowl travel party announced
by Debra Gibson
OK, so it's not exactly the guest roster for the upcoming Bush inauguration. But you have to admit -- you've been a bit curious to find out who made the cut for the official ISU delegation to the Insight.com Bowl.According to university officials, about 570 Iowa State representatives will make the trip, which is being paid for with funds provided to the university by Insight.com. The bulk of those travelers (about 453) will be students -- members of the Iowa State football team (131), the ISU Marching Band (262), cheer, pom-pom and mascot squads (about 20), or student employees of the athletic department (about 40) in a variety of football program assignments. Another 42 athletic department employees will travel to Phoenix (along with one spouse or guest each), including athletic directors and staff responsible for services such as media relations, ticket sales and student athletes' training table. Football coaches and their spouses also are part of the non-student delegation.
Representing the university administration at the bowl game will be interim president Richard Seagrave, vice president for business and finance Warren Madden, vice president for student affairs Tom Hill and vice president for external affairs Murray Blackwelder. Joining this delegation will be John McCarroll, director of university relations; David Hopper, Faculty Senate president; Kerry Dixon, Professional and Scientific Council president; and Richard Horton, chair of the ISU Athletic Council. Each may bring a spouse or guest. Ben Golding, Government of the Student Body president; and GSB vice president Lisa Dlouhy also are part of the administrative delegation. Provost Rollin Richmond was included on the list, but will not make the trip.
The university has extended an invitation to Gov. Tom Vilsack as well, according to McCarroll.
"The governor will attend the bowl game at his own expense," he said.
Members of the Board of Regents, State of Iowa, also may purchase bowl game tickets through Iowa State, but all expenses will be covered by individual regents.
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URL: http://www.inside.iastate.edu/2000/1221/traveltobowl.htmlR evised 12/19/00