Inside Iowa State
December 21, 2000
Q: What's your favorite song?
This is a tough question because I always feel that the song or tune that I am playing is my favorite. Right this minute, my favorite is What A Wonderful World, with Louis Armstrong singing. No, he is not the greatest singer, nor is it the perfect melody. It is the connection between the words and the tune that give it a great emotional connection.
Jim Bovinette
Director of Jazz Ensembles
Carol of the Bells is one of my favorite songs during this time of the year. Being a carillonneur, people probably understand why.
Tin-shi Tam
ISU Carillonneur
Its hardly a "song," but my response would have to be Bachs Mass in B Minor, which Ive both sung and conducted. Its intellectual and emotional depth have provided riveting and unforgettable experiences.
James Rodde
Director of Choral Activities
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URL: http://www.inside.iastate.edu/2000/1221/songs.htmlRevised 12/19/00