Inside Iowa State
December 21, 2000
Road brings master's students to Iowa State
They didn't plan it this way, but on Dec. 15, a group of Iowa school counselors earned master's degrees from Iowa State.
The group -- 17 elementary and secondary school counselors -- were enrolled in a master's program in counseling offered by Wayne State University, Nebraska. In 1998, Wayne State discontinued the program it provided in southeast Iowa over the Iowa Communications Network (ICN). The program's 50-plus students had to find other ways to finish their degrees. One sought help through ISU Extension.
Extension and the College of Education put together a program that provided the remaining 12 courses the students needed to earn their degrees.
Twenty students enrolled in the Iowa State program in spring 1998. They took Iowa State courses over the ICN in Ottumwa, Oskaloosa, Fairfield, Sigourney, Mount Pleasant and Burlington. The 17 graduating students came to campus for their oral exams.
Three of them will graduate in the spring.
"These new counselors are knowledgeable about programs to help students develop, and have positive visions of the kinds of schools that truly benefit students," said John Littrell, educational leadership and policy studies.
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URL: http://www.inside.iastate.edu/2000/1221/masters.htmlRevise d 12/19/00