Inside Iowa State
December 21, 2000
P&S award deadline is Feb. 1
Nomination packages for the Regents Award for Staff Excellence must be submitted to Lea Bartley, chair of the P&S representation and awards committee, by Feb. 1, 2001. The committee will select semifinalists and forward these to the President's Office, where the final selections will be made. Recipients and their nominators will be notified in April and the Board of Regents, State of Iowa, will honor the award winners in the fall.The award honors professional and scientific staff members at all regents universities. Iowa State will select up to four staff members for this award. To be eligible, the nominee must have been a P&S employee at Iowa State for at least five years. The nomination form and instructions are available online at http://www.iastate.edu/~ps_info/Awards.html. Send nomination packages to Bartley, 115 General Services Building. Questions can be directed to Bartley, 4-8083.
Union closed for holiday
The Memorial Union will be close from 5 p.m. Friday, Dec. 22, until 7 a.m. Wednesday, Dec. 27. Questions regarding the closing should be directed to Bill Dee, 4-3374, prior to Dec. 22.
Engineering receives Motorola grant
A $24,000 grant from the Motorola Foundation will support student scholarships, establish a recruitment program and provide support for student-run professional organizations in the College of Engineering. Six $1,000 scholarships have been established for juniors and sophomores in computer, electrical or mechanical engineering, with four of the scholarships designated for minorities and women. A $4,000 graduate fellowship also is available. A portion of the grant will be used for a new program in the electrical and computer engineering department to recruit and retain women and minority students. Other organizations that will receive money include the solar car team, the Society of Women Engineers and the Iowa Alpha chapter of the engineering society Tau Beta Phi.
Upcoming university holidays
Iowa State offices will be closed on Monday and Tuesday, Dec. 25-26, and Monday, Jan. 1, for the Christmas and New Year's holidays, respectively.
Seagrave, Van De Velde on Talk of Iowa Jan. 3
ISU athletic director Bruce Van De Velde will join interim president Richard Seagrave on WOI Radio's Talk of Iowa program Wednesday, Jan. 3, 2001. Talk of Iowa airs weekdays from 10 to 11 a.m. on WOI-AM (640).
Reiman winter hours begin Jan. 1
Winter hours will begin at Reiman Gardens on Jan. 1, 2001. The gardens will be open to the public from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, and available for private events evenings and weekends.The gardens' summer hours, which will include weekend public hours, will begin in May.
After several years of 24-hour accessibility, Reiman Gardens staff is establishing hours because of safety and staffing concerns, said Teresa McLaughlin, manager of Reiman Gardens. Developed areas have doubled in size since 1995, but the gardens have only a staff of four, she said. Safety issues include a pond installed at the gardens this year, ongoing construction and the decision not to clear snow from garden paths during the winter.
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URL: http://www.inside.iastate.edu/2000/1221/announcements.htmlRevised 12/19/00