Inside Iowa State
December 8, 2000
Oscar Kempthorne
Oscar Kempthorne, former distinguished professor of statistics, died Nov. 15 of heart failure in Annapolis, Md. He was 81. He was on the ISU faculty from 1947 to 1989.
Emerson Lee Seim
Emerson Lee Seim, temporary instructor in the logistics, operations and management information department, died Nov. 15 in Iowa City from complications of cancer. He was 67. Seim was on the faculty from 1985 to 1992, and had taught in the transportation and logistics program numerous times since then. Memorials may be made to the American Cancer Society.
Eloise Rippie
Eloise Rippie, associate professor of human development and family studies, died Nov. 16 in Ames of emphysema complications. She was 70. She joined the ISU faculty in 1973. Memorial contributions may be made to Positive Enthusiasm by Robert Schueller, Hour of Power, Garden Grove, Calif., 92642.
William James
William James, associate professor of aerospace engineering and engineering mechanics, died Nov. 24 in Ames of heart failure. He was 64. Memorials may be made to Collegiate Presbyterian Church, Ames, or the American Diabetes Association.
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URL: http://www.inside.iastate.edu/2000/1208/deaths.htmlRevised 12/6/00