Inside Iowa State
December 8, 2000
Flu vaccine available
Occupational Medicine has received 730 doses of the flu vaccine for Iowa State employees. Flu shots will be given from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday, Dec. 11-22, in 205 TASF. No appointments are needed and the free shots will be given until the vaccine runs out. (Those who want a shot after Dec. 19 are urged to call 4-2056 to make sure the vaccine still is available.) A recorded message with general information about the flu may be heard by calling 4-0874.
WOI Radio broadcasts online
WOI Radio broadcasts now may be heard online. The new Web-streaming service may be accessed through WOI's Web site, http://www.woi.org. (Windows Media Player, needed to listen to the broadcasts, may be downloaded from the site.)"Increasing numbers of former Iowans who miss WOI broadcasts and ISU alums around the world have been asking us to get WOI on the Web," said William McGinley, station manager.
The streaming is part of enhancements to WOI's site, which features links to information pages on locally produced programs, an NPR news "ticker" with up-to-the-minute news headlines, national chat room with newsmakers, special arts news section and an online store.
ISU passes United Way goal
The Iowa State community has pledged more than $217,000 to the campus United Way campaign, putting it at almost 101 percent of the $215,000 goal.
Post Office boxes removed
Four U.S. Post Office boxes were removed from campus Nov. 30. The boxes were located near Coover Hall, General Services Building, Carver Hall and on Pammel Drive near Spedding Hall. Ames Post Office officials said the boxes were removed because of low levels of use. Boxes remain near Friley Hall and Kildee Hall, and on Wallace Road near Maple Hall. There also is a postal station in the Memorial Union. Post office officials said they may re-install a box on the northwest corner of campus. Fifteen to 20 boxes are being removed city-wide.
Seagrave on Talk of Iowa
Interim president Richard Seagrave will be a guest on WOI Radio's Talk of Iowa program on Tuesday, Dec. 12. The program airs at 10 a.m. weekdays on WOI-AM (640).
RFPs for learning communities sought
Requests for Proposals are being accepted for new and continuing learning communities for the 2001-02 year. Proposals are due to vice provost for undergraduate programs Howard Shapiro, 107 Beardshear, by 5 p.m. Friday, Dec. 15. Funding decisions will be made early spring semester. For more information, contact Doug Gruenewald, 4-6428, dgrenwld@iastate.edu, or Corly Brooke, cbrooke@iastate.edu,, 4-2402. The RFP is available online at http://www.iastate.edu/~learncommunity/forms.html.
Director named
Matthew Clark, research administrator in the Syracuse University Office of Sponsored Programs, New York, has been named director of the Office of Sponsored Programs Administration. The appointment is effective Jan. 16, 2001.Clark has been with the Syracuse office since 1993. He was a technical writer/business analyst for a Rochester, N.Y., company (1992-1993) and a law clerk/legal analyst for several organizations (1989-1992). He received a B.A. in communication/journalism and science communication from St. John Fisher College, Rochester, a juris doctor from Syracuse University College of Law.
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URL: http://www.inside.iastate.edu/2000/1208/announcements.htmlRevised 12/6/00