Inside Iowa State
November 17, 2000
Search begins for next Vet Med dean
James Bloedel, vice provost for research and advanced studies, is leading a 17-member search committee to find a permanent dean for the College of Veterinary Medicine.
The group met for the first time Nov. 9 and set a tentative timetable for the search, said search committee member Alicia Carriquiry. The committee hopes to receive applications by the end of this year and begin reviewing them in January. The group wants to make its recommendation by the end of spring semester and, if all goes according to plan, a permanent Vet Med dean would begin in the position by the beginning of fall semester 2001.
The committee is seeking nominations, which should include the name and address of the nominee. Nominations may be sent to Bloedel, 107 Beardshear, or jbloedel@ iastate.edu.
Joining Bloedel and Carriquiry on the search committee are Claire Andreasen, veterinary pathology; Claudia Baldwin, veterinary clinical sciences; Richard Degner, Iowa Pork Producers Assoc.; Phyllis Fisher, ISU Clinical Pathology Lab; Bonita Glatz, food science and human nutrition; Brent Halling, Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship; Richard Martin, biomedical sciences; James McKean, veterinary diagnostic and production animal medicine; Steven Menke, Ottumwa Veterinary Clinic; Janice Miller, National Animal Disease Center, Ames; Alan Myers, biochemistry, biophysics and molecular biology; Mary Ann Nieves, veterinary clinical sciences; Bennie Osburn, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of California, Davis; James Roth, veterinary microbiology and preventive medicine; and Bonnie Smith, third-year veterinary medicine student.
Former Vet Med dean Richard Ross is serving a two-year appointment as dean of the Agriculture College. Norm Cheville, chair of veterinary pathology, is serving as interim Vet Med dean.
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