Inside Iowa State
November 17, 2000
Senators ponder money woes
by Linda Charles
Money was a recurring theme Nov. 14 as the Faculty Senate discussed rising health care costs, reallocations in academic departments and a proposal to develop standards for desktop computers on campus.Interim president Richard Seagrave discussed the university's search for funds to help cushion the rising cost of health care insurance for employees.
Hampered by a budget shortfall this year, university officials struggled to find funds to pay for a portion of the increase in employees' insurance premiums, Seagrave said. The university will fund 14 percent of the insurance cost increase, with employees picking up 14 to 18 percent of the increase.
Seagrave was asked why the ISU Foundation couldn't provide the needed funds since it "takes in lots and lots of money."
He explained that about half of what the foundation receives is in deferred funds and unavailable for immediate use or earmarked for specific uses. The income from most of what is available goes toward scholarships and financial aid, with some going toward new buildings.
In other business, Provost Rollin Richmond discussed his academic plan, which calls for departments that report to his office to reallocate a portion of their budgets to a special fund. That fund is used to help meet certain university goals, such as developing a diverse faculty and staff and enhancing the academic stature of the university.
Since the capital campaign has ended, senators asked why the ISU Foundation couldn't be asked to reallocate some of the university funds it receives for salaries to the provost's special fund.
Richmond pointed out that the foundation does not report to him, and he does not have the authority to ask it to reallocate funds to his office. The provost also noted he has been "pleasantly surprised" at the willingness of the foundation to work with the academic side of the university.
Seagrave noted that each year, the university negotiates a service agreement with the foundation, and that is how the foundation receives university funds. The foundation then uses those funds as it sees fit.
Money also came up during a report on proposed desktop computer standards and wiring standards, presented by Dorothy Lewis, interim director of academic information technologies. Senators expressed concerns that minimum standards might put some departments with little funds in a financial bind if they were forced to purchase more up-to-date or better equipment.
The senate's next regular meeting begins at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 12, in 260 Scheman.
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