Inside Iowa State
November 17, 2000
Presidential search committee making progress
Campus interviews of Iowa State presidential candidates should begin as early as January, says Benjamin Allen, chair of the search committee and dean of the College of Business.
The 27-member search committee, which has been meeting since early August, "has put in a lot of time and been working very diligently and effectively," Allen said. "If we continue to progress at this pace, we should be able to bring candidates to campus for interviews and meetings with the campus community sometime in January."
In recent meetings, the committee has been working out details of campus visits that will allow various campus constituencies to meet the candidates, Allen said. In addition, the committee has begun evaluating prospects for the presidency. The search firm of Korn/Ferry Inter-national, Dallas, is assisting with the search.
"We benefited greatly from the input of faculty, staff and students in developing the selection criteria," Allen said. "We look forward to more input from the campus community after the campus visits."
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