Inside Iowa State
November 17, 2000
Play depicts Petersen's life
Iowa actor Tom Milligan will portray Christian Petersen in a 50-minute performance of Christian Petersen, Gentle Sculptor, to be presented at 2 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 26, in the Brunnier Art Museum, Scheman Building. The performance is free.
University Museums commissioned Iowa playwright Cynthia Mercati to write the play in conjunction with its exhibition, Christian Petersen, Sculptor. Mercati is the award- winning author of 30 published plays.
Mercati and Milligan have collaborated on other projects, including the one-person play, Grant Wood: Prairie Rebel, a play that won two major awards.
Milligan is an award-winning actor who has performed in hundreds of plays across the state. He worked for 10 years at Charlie's Showplace, Iowa's first dinner theater, and now gives acting workshops.
The play traces major events in Petersen's life and career, along with his artistic philosophy. He chats with the audience as if talking to old friends.
The play is supported in part with a grant from the Iowa Arts Council, a division of the Department of Cultural Affairs. Additional funding was provided by Carole and Jack Horowitz, Ames.
For more information on exhibits, see Iowa State Exhibits.
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URL: http://www.inside.iastate.edu/2000/1117/play.htmlRevised 11/16/00