Inside Iowa State
November 17, 2000
Additional flu vaccine to be given to high-risk employees
Occupational Medicine has received 100 more doses of flu vaccine and will immunize high-risk employees Nov. 16-17, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the office at G11 TASF. High-risk patients are those who are 65 years old or older, anyone with chronic pulmonary or cardiac disorders, people with immune- compromising disorders, pregnant women who will be in the second trimester during flu season or health-care workers. Regular flu shot clinics for other employees are planned later this fall, if the vaccine is available.
Tuition grant applications due Dec. 8
Tuition grant applications for spring semester for eligible Merit and P&S employees are due by 5 p.m., Friday, Dec. 8, in the department of human resource services (HRS), 125 Beardshear. The current fees are $122 for one undergraduate credit and $192 for one graduate credit; use these figures in the application. Applications and eligibility information are available in 125 Beardshear, or call Jill Pretzer at 4-6458. The application form was revised in 1999; use the updated form. The forms also are available online at the HRS forms Web page, http://www.adp.iastate.edu/forms/humnform.html.
Volunteers needed for Ames Lab/ISU Science Bowl
Volunteers from a variety of scientific and engineering disciplines are needed to serve as moderators and judges for the annual Ames Laboratory/Iowa State University High School Science Bowl Saturday, Jan. 27, in the Memorial Union. About 50 teams will compete in the quiz-bowl style test of their knowledge in science, math and engineering. Science Bowl volunteers receive an event T-shirt, lunch and parking in the Union ramp on the day of the event. To volunteer or for more information, contact Saren Johnston, Ames Lab public affairs, 4-3474, sarenj@ameslab.gov.
It's a Fact is in
Copies of the 2000-01 It's a Fact brochure are available from News Service. The brochure contains updated facts and statistics about Iowa State. To order copies, call 4-4777.
New software for introductory statistics
Iowa State has adopted new software for its use in introductory statistics courses. JMP will replace Minitab at the end of fall semester. JMP is available via Scout, FTP and CD-ROMS that can be checked out from the Solutions Center in Durham. A short course on JMP also will be offered from 3:10 to 4 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 28, in 206 Durham. For more information, see: http://www.public.iastate.edu/~wmd/jmp/.
Faculty travel grant application deadline
Faculty applications for foreign travel grants, for travel beginning between Jan. 16 and Aug. 15, 2001, are due in the Faculty Senate office, 101 Lab of Mechanics, by Jan. 29, 2001. Those requesting grants should check with their dean's office for the college deadline. Applications should be submitted no more than two semesters before travel is planned.
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URL: http://www.inside.iastate.edu/2000/1117/announcements.htmlRevised 11/16/00