Inside Iowa State
October 20, 2000
Seagrave: Veishea 2001 should remain alcohol-free
by Anne Krapfl
Interim president Richard Seagrave said Veishea 2001 should remain an alcohol-free celebration. But gone from his proposal for the event is "The Pledge" of the last three years -- students' promise to not consume alcoholic beverages Veishea weekend. Veishea 2001 will be held April 20-22."I'm not willing to risk not having Veishea. It's an important part of our tradition and a great experience for our students," Seagrave said. "Although the pledge worked the past three years, its all-or-nothing conditions seemed inappropriate for this year. Together with our students, we have made some real progress in the past three years."
But, he noted, not enough time has passed since some troubled Veishea celebrations. Several Veisheas in the late 1980s and early 1990s were marred by alcohol-related riots, and in 1997 Veishea visitor Uri Sellers died from knife wounds.
As a result, during Veishea weekend, "We're under a microscope," Seagrave said.
"We know that if we're going to hold Veishea, we have to do everything we can to change the culture that had evolved," he added. "We'd really like to make the statement that you can have fun for one weekend without alcohol."
Seagrave also said he's convinced that absent a sanctioned Veishea, an alternative celebration would occur, over which the university could have no control.
Seagrave has met several times this fall with student leaders, including the Veishea co-chairs and representatives from Government of the Student Body and the residence halls. He said he hopes to have broad student support for an alcohol-free Veishea and anticipates more discussions yet this fall to achieve that.
"My intent is to get the students to understand this and to buy into it," Seagrave said. "If you look at what's at stake, I don't think this is unreasonable for just two days out of the whole year."
A policy statement drafted by the Veishea 2001 executive board endorses an alcohol-free Veishea.
Following is part of a draft of Seagrave's proposed policy for Veishea 2001:
"During the spring university celebration of Veishea 2001, the campus and events or activities of the university and its university-recognized or university-sponsored groups will be alcohol-free. Students may be disciplined for consuming alcoholic beverages on campus during Veishea. University- recognized or sponsored groups may be disciplined for planning or holding events/activities that include the serving of alcohol."
"Students," Seagrave said, includes all Iowa State students, whether or not they're of legal drinking age. "Campus" includes all university land, the residence halls system and sorority and fraternity properties.
Emphasize excellence
To support Veishea's "celebration of excellence," several Iowa State spring traditions will be moved to Veishea week. The annual faculty and staff spring awards convocation will be held Monday, April 16. The annual student scholars and leaders ceremony will be held Sunday, April 22. The Honors program's poster presentations also are scheduled for Veishea week.As it has done in recent years, the President's Office will give $70,000 to the Veishea central committee to help cover the costs of marquee entertainment for students Friday and Saturday nights of Veishea weekend.
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URL: http://www.inside.iastate.edu/2000/1020/veishea.htmlRevise d 10/19/00