Inside Iowa State
October 20, 2000
Alumni Association completes campus photography book
by Debra Gibson
Recalling the lyrics of Carole King's Tapestry, a new coffee-table book published by the ISU Alumni Association offers Iowa Staters "an everlasting vision of an ever- changing view."Reflections of Iowa State, a 144-page exhibit of ISU campus photography, currently is on sale by the association. Featuring the works of alumni, faculty, staff and freelance photographers, the book documents the institution's landscape and history through more than 200 photographs.
According to Karol Crosbie, assistant director of publications for the alumni association, more than 300 photographs were considered for the book. Two years of research were required for the book's production, with the majority of the photos used already part of the Parks Library's permanent archives. (The library's namesake, former ISU President W. Robert Parks, penned the book's introduction.) However, a nationwide call for campus photos resulted in many submissions from both Ames residents and alumni around the globe, including the cover photo submitted by Erin Axtell, a 1997 graduate of the journalism department.
An initial run of 5,000 books has been published, Crosbie said, and shipping began Oct. 18. The book is $34.95 ($29.95 for alumni association members) and may be purchased in the association office in the Memorial Union, from the association's Web site ( http://www.isualum.org/merchandise) or by phone, 4-2648 (toll free 1-877-ISU-ALUM).
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