Inside Iowa State
October 20, 2000
Likelihood of parking ramp still uncertain
by Debra Gibson
Nearly five years after conducting a campus-wide parking needs survey, ISU officials continue to investigate the feasibility of another parking ramp on campus.Construction estimates for ramps that would hold 400 to 500 vehicles recently were gathered, according to Doug Houghton, parking program coordinator for the department of public safety. But these ramps come with a price tag: $5 million to $6 million.
"I'm concerned that a $5.5 million parking ramp is quite an investment," Houghton said, "and one that I don't think our fee structure can afford paying off."
Since 1997, a portion of collected parking fees has been set aside annually to help fund future ramp construction. To date, $800,000 has been saved; that five-year "nest egg" plan will end next year when the fund reaches $1 million.
So where does ISU obtain the rest of the money needed?
"That's the question we'll be asking over the next year to 18 months," Houghton said. "We'll be looking for help in analyzing how we might fund these costs. I think it's a gross oversimplification to assume we can generate this kind of revenue from fees."
Houghton said that since the ramp savings plan began, parking fees have increased 2 to 4 percent each year. Those fees also are used to finance other DPS capital projects, including assistance in the recent repaving of the Iowa State Center parking lot.
"We'll also be checking out other, less expensive options, like a single-level parking deck that would offer a 200- vehicle capacity," Houghton said.
The site of a proposed structure remains undecided as well. According to Houghton, the campus master plan identifies three locations that might be considered. They include:
Other sites also discussed are the area north and west of the Armory, and a few existing student parking areas near residence halls.
- West campus, near the College of Design.
- East campus, near the Forker Building.
- North campus, on the northwest corner of the intersection of Stange Road and Pammel Drive, behind the existing buildings.
"It's important that people understand that no site has actually been chosen," Houghton said. "So much will depend on the layout of the location, the terrain and the space."
And, Houghton said, on what people will be willing to pay.
"Will people want to maintain their relatively low rates for parking, so we don't build a large ramp," he asked, "or will people support larger ramps for convenience and access and take what goes along with that? It's a complicated issue, and I think it needs some significant review.
"Ultimately, we'll try to do something that serves ISU as a whole the best we can," Houghton said.
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URL: http://www.inside.iastate.edu/2000/1020/parking.htmlRevise d 10/19/00