Inside Iowa State
October 20, 2000
Dracula flies into Stephens
The ISU community is invited to don gothic costumes for Canada's Royal Winnipeg Ballet's performance of Dracula at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 31, in Stephens Auditorium. A pre-show costume party, with prizes for the best Halloween attire, will begin at 7 p.m. in the Celebrity Cafe, ground floor. Tickets are $20 to $32 and available at the ISU Center box office or through TicketMaster. This ballet is recommended for mature audiences.
Regents faculty award winners named
Recipients of the Regents Faculty Excellence Award were honored Oct. 18 during a dinner on campus with members of the Board of Regents, State of Iowa. Receiving the award were Palmer Holden, animal science; Wolfgang Kliemann, mathematics; John Littrell, educational leadership and policy studies; S. Elwynn Taylor, agronomy; and Pamela White, food science and human nutrition. The sixth recipient, Sharon Mathes, health and human performance, died since the selection process was completed. She was honored posthumously.
ISU more than half-way to United Way goal
As of Oct. 13, Iowa State had passed the half-way point on meeting the campus United Way goal of $215,000. Iowa State employees had pledged $123,438 to the campaign, putting the university at 57.4 percent of its goal. The fund-raising drive for Iowa State wraps up today, Oct. 20.
New starting time for Cyclone Shoot-out on Oct. 28
Iowa State basketball fans will get their first glimpse of this season's teams during the annual Cyclone Shoot-out Saturday, Oct. 28, in Hilton Coliseum. Doors open at 1 p.m., when men's and women's basketball team members will be available for autographs in the Hilton concourse. The program begins at 2 p.m.Highlights of this year's Shoot-out program will include team introductions, a three-point contest, men's and women's team scrimmages, and an auction for prizes such as dinners with head coaches Larry Eustachy and Bill Fennelly, and trips to the men's and women's Big 12 tournaments in Kansas City. "Crunch," the official mascot of the Minnesota Timberwolves, also is in the program.
Tickets are $5. Children under age 5 and all members of the Lil' Clone Club will be admitted free.
New county extension director
Al Grigg of Everly, currently farm director at KICD Radio in Spencer, has been named Osceola County extension education director, effective Nov. 1. Prior to joining KICD, Grigg was vice president/sales manager for Harms Implement Co., Everly, and in sales management with International Harvester Co., Des Moines. He has a B.S. degree in agricultural business from Iowa State.
Palmer open house Oct. 21
The College of Family and Consumer Sciences will hold an open house at the Palmer Building from 9 to 11 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 21. Tours of the building will be available and refreshments served. The Palmer Building features the university's newest public art acquisition, "One, Now, All," a word wall and waterfall by artist Norie Sato. For more information, contact Paula Gmelch, 4-7160.
Solar car paint competition announced
Iowa State's solar car team, Team PrISUm, is sponsoring a competition for the paint design that will adorn the next ISU solar car. The competition is open to all. PrISUm Odyssey will race in the American Solar Challenge, a Chicago to Los Angeles solar car race in July 2001. The top of the car will be covered with more than 3,000 dark blue solar cells, leaving only its nose, sides, undercarriage, wheel covers and small areas along the top of the car exposed for the paint design.The entry deadline is Nov. 1. The winner of the competition will be notified by Nov. 10 and will receive a PrISUm team race shirt. For more information and entry forms, call Ben Nimmergut, 4-0899, or visit the team's Web site, http://www.prisum. iastate.edu.
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URL: http://www.inside.iastate.edu/2000/1020/announcements.htmlRevised 10/19/00