Inside Iowa State
October 6, 2000
Palmer Building dedicated Oct. 7
by Kevin Brown
The university community is invited to the dedication of the Palmer Human Development and Family Studies Building, part of the College of Family and Consumer Sciences, at 12:30 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 7.The building is named for alumni Barbara Raeder Palmer and James R. Palmer of State College, Penn., whose $1 million gift initiated the project. Barbara Palmer received a B.S. in household equipment in 1946. James Palmer received a B.S. in electrical engineering in 1944.
Dedication speakers will include the Palmers; Richard Seagrave, interim president; Carol Meeks, FCS dean; Owen Newlin, president, Board of Regents, State of Iowa; and Joanna Cemore, graduate student. The ceremony also will feature a performance by the Child Development Laboratory School all-day kindergartners and teachers.
The Palmer Human Development and Family Studies Building opened in March. The first program to be housed in the 30,000-square-foot, three-story building was the Child Development Laboratory School. The building also houses the human development and family studies department, student support areas, and the Marriage and Family Therapy and the Family Financial Counseling clinics.
James Palmer served for 31 years as chief executive of C- COR Electronics Inc. He is an ISU Foundation governor and former member of the board of directors. Barbara Palmer was a director of C-COR for more than 23 years. She is helping establish a women's philanthropy program at Iowa State.
The project was part of Campaign Destiny and the dedication highlights ISU's "Strengthening families to become the best" celebration.
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