Inside Iowa State
October 6, 2000
Leadership program to begin
by Linda Charles
Developers of a new leadership training program for faculty and staff hope to build a pool of candidates -- especially women and minorities -- for a variety of visible roles on campus and within higher education.The new program, Shared Leader-ship for Institutional Change, will be funded over three years by a $265,000 grant from the Kellogg Foundation and $75,000 from the Provost's Office.
In addition to creating a pool of candidates for leadership positions, the program is intended to provide networks of support and communication to the participants and promote ties to area leadership programs.
Thirty participants will be selected for the first year of the program. Plans are to increase that to 50 for the second and third years. Participants will receive a $500 stipend for successful completion to defray cost of travel and conference attendance or other activities related to professional development.
The program will begin with a two-day workshop in January 2001 focusing on interaction, creating trust, and organizational and leadership theory. Participants will attend monthly meetings at or near ISU during February, March and April to learn leadership skills, practice leadership strategies, discuss leadership opportunities and receive feedback and support.
Next fall, the group will participate in leadership opportunities on campus, in their professions or in the community. Meetings and workshops also are planned for September, October and November.
Project directors are Dianne Bystrom, Carrie Chapman Catt Center director; and John Schuh, educational leadership and policy studies professor. Project coordinator is Ann Schultz, who is also the VISION 2020 project coordinator.
Applications are available in 1009 Agronomy, 4-2496, e-mail amps@iastate.edu, and due Nov. 15.
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