Inside Iowa State
October 6, 2000
Catt Center organizes DebateWatch
by Steve Sullivan
The responses of ISU students to the presidential debates will be part of DebateWatch, a program of the national Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD).The Carrie Chapman Catt Center for Women and Politics is organizing three DebateWatch groups. The first was held Oct. 3. The other two will be held Oct. 11 and 17. One of the goals of DebateWatch is to record responses to the debates before the political spin starts, said Dianne Bystrom, Catt Center director and DebateWatch facilitator.
Student members of the center's two leadership development programs, the Legacy of Heroines scholars and Catt Associates, and others will participate in the DebateWatches, along with members of the Ames League of Women Voters. Participants will watch the debates in 302 Catt Hall on Oct. 11 and 17. There is limited space for others to join in the Catt Center DebateWatches (call 4-3181).
The responses of the ISU groups will be provided to the CPD, which will include them in summary reports released the morning after each debate. The summaries will be posted on the CPD Web site, http://www.debates.org. Bystrom said she plans also to use the discussions for a book she is co-editing on the 2000 presidential election.
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URL: http://www.inside.iastate.edu/2000/1006/debatewatch.htmlRe vised 10/4/00