Inside Iowa State
October 6, 2000
Flu shots will be delayed
Flu shot clinics for faculty and staff will be offered later than usual this year, due to nationwide delays in the delivery of the vaccine. According to reports from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there may be some shortages of the vaccine due to manufacturers' difficulty in producing it. Occupational Medicine traditionally has begun offering flu shots to faculty and staff in mid-October, said medical administrator Carol Mack. The employee shot clinics will begin later this year. Watch Inside Iowa State or "Today's News" online for clinic dates.
Seagrave, Pohlman on Talk of Iowa
Lynette Pohlman, University Museums director, will join interim president Richard Seagrave on the Wednesday, Oct. 11, Talk of Iowa radio show. Pohlman will discuss the Brunnier Museum's 25th anniversary celebration, which includes recognition of sculptor Christian Petersen. Talk of Iowa begins at 10 a.m. on WOI-AM.
New format for student on-campus addresses
Student on-campus addresses have a new look in university systems and published directories. In a collaborative effort between the university and the Ames postmaster, the addresses have been reformatted to take advantage of new automated postal equipment and to improve mail service. As a result, residence hall addresses display the room number, followed by the hall and house (e.g., 9999 Friley Dodds). University student apartment addresses display the unit number and complex name, followed by the apartment number (e.g., 111 University Vlg Apt A). For more information, contact the registrar's office or the residence department.
Hawthorn Court not included in campus mail delivery
Iowa State's newest dormitory complex, Hawthorn Court, has a 50010 zip code and is not included in campus mail. All mail to Hawthorn Court must go through the U.S. Post Office.
IPTV profiles Leopold Center director
Iowa Public Television will air a profile of Fred Kirschenmann, new director of the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture, on Market to Market at 8 p.m. Friday, Oct. 6. The show will be rebroadcast at 12:30 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 8. It includes an interview with Kirschenmann shot at his North Dakota farm.
Biotechnology Career Day set
The second annual Biotechnology Career Day will be held 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 26, in the Molecular Biology Building atrium. Representatives from more than 15 companies will be seeking employees and interns at the event. For more information, see this Web site: http://www.biotech.iastate.edu/industrial_resources.html.
VISION 2020 picnic is Oct. 10
The campus community is invited to a barbecue and celebration (11 a.m. Oct. 10) noting the final year of Iowa State's VISION 2020 program to improve higher education by the year 2020. The festivities will take place south of the campanile (rain location, Memorial Union Great Hall). For more information, call program coordinator Ann Schultz, 4- 2496, or visit this Web site: http://www.iastate.edu/~vision2020/.
Start-up group to look at computer integrity
The first meeting of the Information Assurance Seminar will start at 11 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 10, in 171 Durham. Guy Helmer, computer science, will talk about "Mobile Agents for Intrusion Detection." The group, a multidisciplinary platform for discussion of all facets of computer security and integrity, is open to the university community. A seminar will be held monthly. For more information, contact Cliff Bergman, mathematics, 4-8137, or visit the seminar's Web site, http://www.math.iastate.edu/IA.
Olympic official is Pease family scholar
Bruce Elliott, a well-known scholar on biomechanics who was responsible for high-speed videotaping and analysis showcased at the recent Olympic games, will speak at Iowa State this month. Elliott, from the University of Western Australia, Perth, is the fall Pease Family Scholar in the College of Education. He will speak on movement biomechanics in exercise and physical activity at 7 p.m.Wednesday, Oct. 11, in 279 Forker.Elliott was appointed scientific chair for the Olympic Committee for the 2000 Sydney Olympics.
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