Inside Iowa State
September 22, 2000
Visual literacy gets look
by Steve Sullivan
Visual literacy will be examined from all angles at an upcoming international conference hosted by the College of Design."Exploring the Visual Future: Art, Design, Science and Technology," the annual conference of the International Visual Literacy Association, will be at Iowa State Oct. 11- 14.
"Visual literacy is one of the hottest topics in communication technology, and this conference will explore issues of interest to people in education, medicine, psychology, communications, business and the arts," said Dennis Dake, professor of art and design and conference coordinator.
The conference will explore issues of visual design, and visual perception and communication. It will bring together artists, educators, scientists, engineers and others involved in visual communications.
Keynote speakers are:
In addition to the keynoters, the conference will offer 125 concurrent sessions on such subjects as Web design, digital technology, visual-based learning, multimedia production, image copywriting and visualization skills.
- Semir Zeki, professor of neuro-biology at University College in London. Zeki is a leading researcher on the visual processes of the human brain and author of Inner Vision: An Exploration of Art and the Brain.
- Donna Cox, professor in the School of Art and Design at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Cox has a joint appointment at the National Center for Superconducting Applications. She has written extensively on visualization techniques and was nominated for an Academy Award in 1997 for her work on the IMAX film, Cosmic Voyage.
- Todd Siler, founder and director of Psi-Phi Communications and the Art Science Center for Education, Englewood, Colo. He specializes in fostering creativity and innovation in business and education. He wrote Breaking the Mind Barrier and Think Like a Genius.
- Carolina Cruz-Neira, ISU assistant professor of electrical engineering and computer engineering. Cruz-Neira is one the country's leading experts on visual reality technology and has led the development of the C2 and C6 visualization labs on campus.
- Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (Me-HI CHICK-cent-me-hi), professor of psychology at the Peter F. Drucker Graduate School of Management at Claremont Graduate University, California. Csikszentmihalyi has done extensive research on creativity and traits of highly creative people. He is the author of Creativity: Flow and the Psychology of Discovery and Invention and holds the Helen LeBaron Hilton Chair in the College of Family and Consumer Sciences this fall.
Cost is $180 for early registration, which runs through today (Sept. 22), and $200 after that. Registration information is available from the Office of Extended and Continuing Education, 102 Scheman, 4-0196, or on the conference Web site, www.iastate.edu/~design/ART/IVLA/index.html.
The event is sponsored by the Design, Engineering and Education colleges. Co-sponsors include the education and art departments at the University of Northern Iowa, the University of Iowa and Wartburg College, and the Iowa Association for Communication Technology.
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URL: http://www.inside.iastate.edu/2000/0922/visliteracy.htmlRe vised 9/20/00