Inside Iowa State
September 22, 2000
Conservator will assess repair costs
by Diana Pounds
An art conservator will be hired soon to look over the recently van-dalized Christian Petersen "Marriage Ring" sculpture and make estimates on repair costs.The 59-year-old sculpture, in the lobby of MacKay Hall, depicts several children around a fountain. The head of one of the children was removed and stolen on Sept. 14. It later was recovered in several pieces, in a campus trash can, and an ISU senior, Nick Ryan Johnson, subsequently was charged with criminal mischief and theft in connection with the incident.
Mary Atherly, collections manager at University Museums, said repairs are expected to be labor-intensive and expensive. Just getting the estimate probably will cost several thousand dollars, she said.
Repairing and reattaching the head will probably take about six months, Atherly added.
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