Inside Iowa State
September 22, 2000
Salary funding top university priority
by Anne Krapfl
Highlights of the Sept. 7 Professional and Scientific Council meeting include:
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- Assistant provost Ellen Rasmussen said full state funding of salary increases will be Iowa State's top priority for the 2001 legislative session.
- Council president Kerry Dixon said the annual P&S professional development day is scheduled for April 17, 2001. Planners are just beginning their work on the event.
- Gary Steinke, director of govern-mental relations, was the guest at the noon open forum. Steinke said he anticipates the 2001 Iowa Legislature will better (perhaps not fully) fund state employee salary increases for FY02; and provide new funds for the Plant Sciences Institute and proposed College of Business building. He said the state Legislature "is a very conservative place right now." It's not "anti- education, but very accountable and looking for better efficiency," he said.
Inside Iowa State, inside@iastate.edu, University Relations
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URL: http://www.inside.iastate.edu/2000/0922/p&snotes.htmlRevis ed 9/20/00