Inside Iowa State
September 22, 2000
Month highlights Latino/a contributions
Lectures that look at the Latino/a influence in everything from professional baseball to national politics, films and cultural events are part of Iowa State's celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, Sept. 15-Oct. 15.
Hispanic Heritage Month spans several historic events: Independence Day for Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua on Sept. 15; Mexican Independence Day on Sept. 16; and El Dia de la Raza, Oct. 12, a day that commemorates Latino/a indigenous heritage.
The U.S. Congress established Hispanic Heritage Week more than two decades ago. The celebration grew and expanded to a month in 1989. The intent of Hispanic Heritage Month is to encourage Hispanic awareness among all U.S. citizens, said Ed Munoz, Hispanic Heritage Month Committee chair and assistant professor of sociology and U.S. Latino/a Studies.
A schedule of Hispanic Heritage Month events follows:
Hispanic Heritage Month
Sept. 15-Oct. 15, free
Friday, September 22
- 8 p.m., Performance, Fantasia Juvenil, Puerto Rican dance troop, Chicago, Sun Room, Memorial Union.
Tuesday, September 26
- 6:15 p.m., Film, La Guagua Aerea, 309 Pearson.
Wednesday, September 27
- 7:30 p.m., Lecture, "Latino Empowerment! How American Latinos/Latinas Must Leverage Their 'Majority Minority' Status and Become a Real Force in American Politics," Steffen Schmidt, ISU political science, Great Hall, Memorial Union.
Friday, September 29
- Noon, Slide presentation, "Beisbol: Latinos in the Major League," Gilberto Garcia, Eastern Washington University, Great Hall, Memorial Union.
Saturday, September 30
- 8 p.m., Dance and party (8-9 p.m. salsa/merenge workshop), Sun Room, Memorial Union.
Tuesday, October 3
- 6:15 p.m., Film, El Norte, 309 Pearson.
Thursday, October 5
- 11 a.m.-1 p.m., Ports of Call, with Latino food, faculty and staff, Sloss House.
Friday, October 6
- 6 p.m., Film and discussion, The Milagro Beanfield War, Chessman lounge, Friley.
Tuesday, October 10
- 6:15 p.m., Film, Romero USA, 309 Pearson.
- 8 p.m., Noche de Cultura (Cultural Night), traditional Latino apparel, fashion and talent show, Great Hall, Memorial Union.
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URL: http://www.inside.iastate.edu/2000/0922/hispanicmonth.htmlRevised 9/20/00