Inside Iowa State
September 22, 20002000 ISU Carillon Festival
4-3831, free
Friday, September 22
- 5 p.m., Concert, Tin-shi Tam, ISU carillonneur, Stanton Memorial Carillon.
Saturday, September 23
- 1:30 p.m., Seminar, "Percival Price and the Carillon in North America," guest carillonneur Beverly Buchanan, Belmont University, Nashville, Tenn., 130 Music.
- 3 p.m., Concert, "Bells and Man -- Music of the Bells and Carillon Music by Percival Price," guest carillonneur, Beverly Buchanan, Stanton Memorial Carillon.
- 4 p.m., Campanile tour.
Sunday, September 24
- 2 p.m., Concert, ISU student carillonneurs, ISU Brass Ensemble, ISU Dance, and ISU Flute Ensemble, Stanton Memorial Carillon.
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URL: http://www.inside.iastate.edu/2000/0922/carillon.htmlRevis ed 9/20/00