Inside Iowa State
September 22, 2000
Candidate interviews
Four candidates for the position of director of the Office of Sponsored Programs Administration have been announced.
The candidates are Matthew Clark, research administrator in the Syracuse University Office of Sponsored Programs, Syracuse, N.Y.; Valrey Kettner, interim director of the ISU office; Thane Peterson, director of the Central Iowa Health System Office of Sponsored and Clinical Research, Des Moines; and Ruth Smith, administrative director of the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia research business office.
Peterson, Smith and Kettner interviewed on campus the week of Sept. 18. Clark will visit campus Thursday, Sept. 28. An open forum will be held from 11 a.m. to noon in 144 Durham.
More information on the candidates may be found online at www.iastate.edu/news/releases/2000/sep/sponsoredprog.html.
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URL: http://www.inside.iastate.edu/2000/0922/candidates.htmlRev ised 9/20/00