Inside Iowa State
September 8, 2000
Luma at Stephens
The Stephens stage will be transformed into a canvas for painting three-dimensional characters and objects with light during the production of Luma -- Theatre of Light, presented at 3 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 17.
Luma offers three kinds of light: natural, artificial and metaphorical.
The show was conceived by "Marlin," a juggler artist, who says he was inspired by people's fascination with a lava flow in Hawaii.
Tickets are $8 to $16 and available at the Iowa State Center and Ticketmaster outlets. The production is part of Iowa States year-long celebration, "Strengthening families to become the best."
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URL: http://www.inside.iastate.edu/2000/0908/luma.htmlRevised 9/07/00