Inside Iowa State
September 8, 2000
Faculty, staff helped make campaign successful
by Dalene Abner, ISU Foundation
The most successful private fund-raising campaign in Iowa State history ended this summer with a record amount of support provided by ISU faculty and staff.The ISU Foundation's Campaign Destiny: To Become the Best raised $458.6 million in outright and deferred gifts, including $14.2 million from current and retired faculty and staff. Two couples were campaign volunteer co-chairs:
- Tahira Hira, associate vice provost for extension, and Labh Hira, associate dean for the College of Business
- Agatha Burnet, professor emerita, department of textiles and clothing, and George Burnet, distinguished professor emeritus, College of Engineering.
More than 100 on-campus employees and retirees gave group presentations and encouraged coworkers to support the effort."The success of Campaign Destinys Drive From Within showcases to our alumni and friends that we believe in our destiny -- to become the best land-grant institution in the nation -- in more than just words but also with our actions and dollars," said co-chair Tahira Hira.
High participation was the key to the drive's success, noted ISU Foundation President Tom Mitchell.
"More than half of Iowa States employees and retirees donated to the Drive From Within. They contributed to virtually every area of the university. Their record-setting giving was a strong show of internal support and a significant factor motivating ISU alumni and friends also to give generously to Campaign Destiny," Mitchell said.
"And in making their gifts, individuals opted not only to give cash and make pledges but also to establish long-term support through estates, trusts and property provisions. The generosity is truly over-whelming," Mitchell said.
Other campaign highlights
- More than 20 new faculty professorships and chairs established
- More than 600 new undergraduate and graduate scholarship programs created, including the Hixson Opportunity Awards and Presidential Scholarships for National Merit and Achievement students
- More than 50 building projects that vastly improve Iowa State's teaching, learning and outreach environments including the development of Reiman Gardens, expansion of Jack Trice Stadium, and construction of Howe Hall, Palmer Human Development and Family Studies Building, and Kocimski Auditorium in the College of Design. Still ahead are Hoover Hall, Gerdin Business Building, Honors Building, 4-H and Extension Youth Building, and Carver Co-Laboratory
- Initiatives that are leading to the creation of new undergraduate and graduate curricula, including the Pappajohn Center for Entrepreneurship, Plant Sciences Institute, and Iowa State's first named school, the Greenlee School of Journalism and Communication.
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URL: http://www.inside.iastate.edu/2000/0908/campaign.htmlRevised 9/07/00