Inside Iowa State
September 8, 2000
Plant sale
The Reiman Gardens CoHorts will hold its annual fund-raiser plant sale, beginning at 10 a.m. Sunday, Sept. 10, at the Mahlstede Center.
Golf for United Way
Golfers will have a chance to play a game and benefit the United Way campaign at the same time. The first annual "Golf Fore United Way" will be held Friday, Sept. 22, at Veenker Golf Course. Registration and lunch will begin at 11 a.m., golf at noon and awards presented at 5:30 p.m. The $75 registration fee includes green fees for 18 holes, cart, lunch and prizes. In case of severe weather, the event will be canceled and the entry fee considered a donation to the campaign. For more information, contact Carole Smalley, (515) 268-5142, e-mail: unitedway@uwstory.org.
ISU Theatre season tickets on sale
Season tickets for the ISU Theatre are on sale at the Iowa State Center ticket office. "Subscription packages" offer bargain prices, best available seats and easy ticket exchange. Subscriptions are $58 for adults and $52 for seniors. For more information, call 4-2624.
New positions
- Sidner Larson, associate professor of English, named program director for American Indian Studies. <;i> Jerry Garcia, assistant professor of history, named program director of U.S. Latino/a Studies.
- Hal Stern, professor of statistics, named interim director of the Laurence H. Baker Center for Bioinformatics and Biological Statistics.
- James McElroy, professor of management, named to a two-year appointment as interim associate dean in the College of Business.
- Russell Laczniak, professor of marketing, named chair of the departments of marketing and management in the College of Business.
Ag secretary to discuss ag and water resources
Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Patty Judge will kickoff a fall semester seminar series on water quality issues on Monday, Sept. 11. Judge will discuss her vision for Iowa's agriculture and water resources at 4:10 p.m. in the National Swine Research and Information Centers auditorium (Room 1131). Fred Kirschenmann, Leopold Center, will speak Monday, Sept. 18. The series is organized by Iowa State Water Resources Research Institute. For more information, call Ramesh Kanwar, institute director, 4-4913, or e-mail: skanwar@iastate.edu.Leopold director shares vision
Fred Kirschenmann, the new director of the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture, will share his vision for the center and sustainable agriculture at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 12, in the Memorial Union Sun Room. A reception will begin at 6:15 p.m.
Lecture schedule available
Pat Miller, Lectures Program coordinator, requests that instructors who wish to provide their classes with schedules of the fall Lectures Program disseminate the information to their students, rather than prompting each student to ask for the schedule. Instructors may request the schedule by e-mailing lectures@iastate.edu.
ISU Press merger includes new endowment
A merger between Iowa State University Press and Blackwell Science, announced Aug. 31, will result in an endowment to support scholarly publishing activities at the university. As part of the transaction, Iowa State will receive $2.2 million, which will be used to establish the endowment. Beginning next year, the endowment should provide about $110,000 annually to support publication efforts of faculty, staff and others. Distribution of funds will occur through the Provosts Office, with advice from a newly created Publication Endowment Committee. Iowa State University Press will continue to operate from its Ames headquarters and will keep the ISUP imprint. No change in the number of employees is expected.
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