Inside Iowa State
August 25, 2000
United Way, Habitat campaign goal is $215,000 this year
by Linda Charles
Last year's campus merger of the Story County United Way and Habitat for Humanity fund-raising efforts proved so successful that it will continue as one campaign this year."Iowa State's faculty and staff made last year's campaign one of our most successful yet," said Dean Richard Ross, this year's campaign chair. "We're hoping this year, even more decide to support these worthy causes."
This year's campus goal is $215,000, with $30,000 of that designated for the Story County Habitat for Humanity project. Last year, the campus community exceeded its $200,000 goal by $10,000.
"We've set an ambitious goal," Ross said, "but I am confident the Iowa State community will meet the challenge."
The campaign kicks off Sept. 8, and Iowa State employees should receive their donation cards in campus mail around then. Like last year, there will be separate pledge cards for United Way and Habitat.
Story County United Way supports 32 local social service agencies, which benefit about 30,000 county residents each year. As in past years, those who wish to designate specific agencies for support may do so.
This will make the fourth year ISU students have adopted a local Habitat project as part of Homecoming events. The campaign will result in volunteers building a new house on Northwestern Avenue for a single father of two.
ISU employees may return donations in their envelopes or choose payroll deduction plans. All are asked to return their donation envelopes by Oct. 20, whether they choose to donate or not.
Ross said he hopes regular donors will increase their donations and non-givers will consider making gifts.
"I urge everyone to consider making a gift this year. Even a gift of $5 a month will make a difference," Ross said. "While big gifts obviously help us meet our goal more quickly, small gifts are the backbone to the campaign."
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