Inside Iowa State
August 25, 2000
When in Rome
by Steve Sullivan
On Sept. 8, they'll be doing as the Romans do at the College of Design.The college is hosting "Serata a Roma," a benefit dinner and auction for its Rome Program. The event will begin at 6 p.m. in the atrium of the College of Design.
The Rome Program provides design students with an opportunity to live and study architecture, art and design in Italy. The program began 10 years ago and recently established a permanent location in Rome.
The benefit will include a dinner featuring Italian food and wines, a prize of a trip for two to Rome and an auction.
Design faculty, alumni and friends of the college and Iowa businesses have provided auction items, including original artwork, vacation packages, furniture and jewelry. Among the items are a painting by singer Tony Bennett and an opportunity to have Bryan Berg entertain with his unique talent at a private party. Berg, an ISU architecture graduate, holds several world records for building structures from playing cards.
Tickets for the benefit are $100. Proceeds will be used for the College of Design Study Abroad fund and International Programs Endowment. For more information, contact the ISU College of Design, 4-7428.
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URL: http://www.inside.iastate.edu/2000/0825/rome.htmlRevised 8/24/00