Inside Iowa State
August 25, 2000
Host families selected
by Steve Sullivan
Seven Iowa families have been chosen to host community visits during Iowa State University's year-long "Strengthening families to become the best" celebration.In each community, an Iowa State delegation of faculty and staff will visit schools, provide educational programs and recognize community projects that successfully combine local efforts and the work of Iowa State to strengthen families.
The host families were announced at the ISU-sponsored opening day at the Iowa State Fair.
The host families (and city and dates for community visits) are:
- Mark and Linda Chmelar family, (Dubuque, Sept. 28)
- Don and Jinny Nickerson family, Des Moines (Des Moines, Oct. 30)
- James and Kay Lucas family, Bedford (Bedford, Nov. 28)
- Lawrence and Beverly Everett family, New Sharon (Oskaloosa, Jan. 30, 2001)
- Harold and Sue Peyton family, Sac City (Sac City, Feb. 15, 2001)
- Harlan and Amy Asmus family, Rake (Buffalo Center, March 26, 2001)
- Dwight and Debbie Hughes family, Cedar Rapids (Cedar Rapids, April 24, 2001)
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URL: http://www.inside.iastate.edu/2000/0825/hostfamilies.htmlR evised 8/23/00