Inside Iowa State
August 25, 2000
Seagrave says research can enrich undergrads
by Linda Charles
Rather than detracting from undergraduate education, research can enhance it, interim President Richard Seagrave said during the fall convocation Aug. 22 as he outlined his priorities for the coming year."When properly balanced, research by a faculty member can enhance, expand and enrich the undergraduate education experience for students," Seagrave said. "Exposure to and involvement in the discovery of new knowledge makes learning more relevant, it makes it more fun."
Seagrave said his personal goal while he leads the university during the presidential search is to ensure undergraduate education is a top university priority. One way to improve undergraduate education is to provide research opportunities to students.
He noted several students whose involvement in research helped them obtain internships and jobs. But the university needs to offer additional opportunities, he said, calling on faculty, staff and administrators to come up with new ways to involve undergraduates in research.
In addition to his personal goal, Seagrave outlined four priorities for the year. He said his No. 1 priority is to keep the institution functioning smoothly, but that doesn't mean things will remain status quo. He said he intends to continue the "aggressive pace" established by former President Martin Jischke, using the strategic plan as a guide.
His second priority is to "keep the team together," including the faculty and staff currently at Iowa State. Noting recent resignations, Seagrave said life is competitive in higher education. When Iowa State attracts top people, they become top choices when "bigger" opportunities arise. The interim president voiced his confidence in the university's ability to continue attracting top people for the vacant administrative positions, as well as top faculty and staff.
Seagrave said his third priority is to create an atmosphere at the university that will help attract top candidates for the presidency. While the physical campus "looks fantastic," Seagrave said the campus also must "feel" equally good.
"We want Iowa State to be not only a place where people are supported and encouraged to succeed, but a place where they can enjoy their work," he said.
His final priority is to prevent a repeat of this year's $8 million budget shortfall in state funding. He said the university is working with the Board of Regents, State of Iowa, and will hold a series of outreach visits this fall with legislators around the state. During the meetings, officials will stress what the state universities do for Iowans, as well as report on the impact the budget shortfall has this year on the universities' efforts to serve the state and students.
"We're doing our best to manage these reductions so as to minimize the impact on our students, but we'll still feel them -- and so will the people we serve," he said. "That's what we're going to make sure legislators and other state leaders know."
The full text of Seagrave's speech is online at: www.iastate.edu/~president/speeches/2000fallconvo.html.
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