Inside Iowa State
August 25, 2000
Instructors can view class lists online
by Diana Pounds
Iowa State instructors now can turn to the Web to obtain lists of the students in their classes and information about those students. Instructors can also view section add/drop activity and download data into a word processing, spreadsheet or database application. The class lists are updated nightly and provide information about each student as well as the students' photos and e-mail addresses, said Kathleen Jones, ISU registrar. Additionally, electronic files will be provided in the near future for direct import into WebCT, ClassNet, and similar Web-based programs.The class lists are available only to instructors teaching the classes as coded on the registrar's files. To obtain the list, the instructor signs into AccessPlus (www.adp.iastate.edu/accessplus.html), a secure site that allows faculty, staff and students to access personal or confidential information.
The new electronic class list feature was developed following recommendations by the Faculty Senate and other committees. The design of the new system was developed with input from several faculty members.
Provost Rollin Richmond, a strong supporter of the development of electronic class lists, identified it as a priority to those attending the Faculty Senate conference on information technology last spring.
"The availability of class lists was a high priority of the Faculty Senate and individual faculty attending the spring conference," he said. "We are all indebted to the Registrar and her colleagues in Administrative Data Processing and Academic Information Technology for responding to this request by the faculty."
Instructors need their social security numbers and University PINs to access class lists through AccessPlus. Those who need to obtain their four-digit PIN numbers should present a photo ID to one of the following offices: ISUCard Office, 129 Memorial Union; Office of the Registrar, 214 Alumni Hall; Student Answer Center, 112 Pearson.
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URL: http://www.inside.iastate.edu/2000/0825/classlists.htmlR evised 8/16/00