Inside Iowa State
August 25, 2000
Beardshear-bound? Maybe not
A major remodeling project of Beardshear Hall has resulted in the temporary relocation of several offices to the Wallace Road Office Building (formerly called the Child Develop-ment building), Pearson Hall and new locations in Beardshear. Phone numbers should not change but mailing addresses of many offices differ from the office addresses. A complete list of who is where can be found online at: www.inside.iastate.edu/beardshear/moves.html.
Payroll, benefits sign-up in different building
To sign up for payroll and benefits, faculty, staff and student employees should visit the Human Resource Services Records Office, located in 100 Wallace Road Office Building (formerly the Child Development Lab across from Maple Hall). A map is available at www.fpm.iastate.edu/maps. The office is at the south end.
Minority Student Affairs Office in new home
The Minority Student Affairs Office has moved out of Beardshear to its new home in the Student Services Building, Suite 2080. Unlike some of the recent moves from Bearshear, this move is permanent. Telephone numbers have remained the same.
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URL: http://www.inside.iastate.edu/2000/0825/beardshear.htmlRev ised 8/23/00