Inside Iowa State
August 25, 2000
Presidential search page on the Web
Updates and other information on the search for a new president of Iowa State are available on the new presidential search Web site, www.iastate.edu/pres.
New positions at institute
Sociology professor Ron Simons has been named director of the Institute for Social and Behavioral Research. Carolyn Cutrona, a professor with the institute, was named the associate director of the institute. Former director Rand Conger recently returned to teaching and research.
E-commerce experts at ISU conference
Leading experts on doing business over the Internet, including the author of The E-Commerce (R)evolution, will be keynote speakers at the Midwest E-Commerce Conference, sponsored by Iowa State Sept. 18-20 and held in Scheman. Conference keynote speakers include Daniel Amor, Hewlett-Packard E-Solutions Architect and author of The E- business (R)evolution; Kristi Branson, director with Sapient Corp., an e-business consulting firm; Bruce Brorson, Red River Trade Council; Jay Krames, risk management consultant; and Vadim Levitin, CEO of the ECommerce Institute, San Diego, Calif. For more information, or to register, contact Paul Gormley, CIRAS, (319) 377-9839; gormley@iastate.edu. The conference web site is www.ebusinessconference.org.
Iowa foods featured at first football game
Fans can munch on a "pork chop on a stick" while they watch the Cyclones take on the Ohio University Bobcats during the first football game of the season Saturday, Sept. 2. The Iowa Commodity Classic will feature several groups located in the four corners of Jack Trice Stadium, at the top of the ramps, selling steak sandwiches, turkey tenderloin sandwiches, frozen custard, milk and the pork chops (whose "stick" is an extended bone). Running down the ramps will be Taste of Iowa informational booths.The Iowa State-Ohio University football game also is the official kickoff of the all-university celebration, "Strengthening families to become the best," sponsored by the College of Family and Consumer Sciences. Iowa families chosen to host community visits during the celebration will be introduced during half time (see story.)
The stadium gates will open at 9:30 a.m., with kickoff at 11:30 a.m.
Group Study Abroad proposals sought
Proposals for Group Study Abroad programs and Group Leader grants must be submitted to the Study Abroad and Exchange Committee (SAEC) through the Study Abroad Resource Center, 6 Hamilton, by the following dates:
- Summer programs
Oct. 1
- Fall programs
Jan. 1
- Spring programs
Oct. 3
- Academic year programs
Requests for Initial Site Visit grants can be made at any time. Application procedures for the grants and for program approval can be downloaded at www.iastate.edu/~study-abroad/ (follow the SAEC link). Questions may be directed to Trevor Nelson, 4-6792.
Conferences planned for Iowa girls
"Taking the Road Less Traveled," a career conference for Iowa junior high and high school girls will be held at Iowa State in October and April. At the conferences, women professionals in math, science, engineering and technical fields will provide information about their careers and academic preparation. Lunch is included in the $13 registration fee. Conferences will be held Oct. 5 and 12 (grades 6-9) and Oct. 17 (grades 9-12). Conferences also are scheduled for April 5, 2001 (grades 9-12) and April 12 and 17, 2001 (grades 6-9). Registration materials are sent to Iowa schools in late August for the fall conferences and in late January for the spring conferences. To get on the mailing list, contact Linda Dutton, Women in Science and Engineering, 104 Lab of Mechanics, 4-5319, e-mail: ldutton@iastate.edu.
Retirement seminar Sept. 18
A retirement seminar, "What You Don't Know About Retirement That Will Cost Your Heirs," will be held from 2:30 to 5 p.m. Monday, Sept. 18, in the Meadows Room at the Holiday Inn Gateway Center. The free seminar will be presented by Pamela Jones Davidson, attorney and consultant. The seminar, sponsored by the ISU Foundation, is aimed at employees and retirees 55 and older, among others. Registration is due by Sept. 15. To register, call 4-6581.
New online: Faculty development calendar
A new addition to the online calendar of events is a faculty development calendar, which lists activities aimed at enhancing teaching and learning at Iowa State. The calendar includes workshops, seminars and speeches that are specifically designed for faculty, instructors or instructional support staff. To view the calendar, select "events" from the main ISU Web page (www.iastate.edu), then use the pull-menu to select "faculty development." If you have items to add to this calendar, send them to calendar@iastate.edu.
Creativity explored
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (Chic-cent-mah-hi), Dean Helen LeBaron Hilton Endowed Chair, will discuss the psychology of creativity at 7 p.m. Monday, Sept. 11, in Benton Auditorium, Scheman. His talk, "The Creative Person and the Creative Context," draws on 40 years of research focusing on creativity and the traits of highly creative people. He is a psychology professor at the Peter F. Drucker Graduate School of Management at Claremont Graduate University, California, and director of the Quality of Life Research Center. He also will present two lectures in October. His lectures are part of the university celebration, "Strengthening families to become the best."
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URL: http://www.inside.iastate.edu/2000/0825/announcements.htmlRevised 8/23/00