Inside Iowa State
August 11, 2000
Insurance option considered
Same-sex couples could pay same premiums as married couples
by Linda Charles
It appears likely that Iowa State soon will provide the same health insurance benefits to employees' same-sex partners as it does to employees' spouses.The Board of Regents, State of Iowa, paved the way for the new insurance policy in July when it OKed a policy that allows all regents institutions the option of treating same- sex partners like spouses for health insurance purposes. One month earlier, the regents had approved a University of Iowa request to implement the same policy.
Under previous regents policy, universities could offer health insurance to same-sex partners, but employees had to pay full premiums for partners, rather than university- subsidized premiums for spouses.
Eligibility requirements for the same-sex health insurance would remain as they are now, said Warren Madden, vice president for business and finance. Partners must meet certain requirements that demonstrate an established relationship, such as joint home ownership or binding legal contracts obligating them to financially support each other.
Madden said he anticipates the number enrolled in the new program wouldn't rise much above the four couples who are enrolled in the current program. Approving the new system probably would cost the university under $11,000, he said, adding, "it's not a significant economic issue."
Speaking in favor of the policy at the regents meeting were President Martin Jischke, interim President Designate Richard Seagrave and Faculty Senate President David Hopper. Jischke said the new policy would "create an atmosphere of tolerance" and indicated that it had broad support on the Iowa State campus, including the backing of the Faculty Senate and P&S Council.
The University Benefits and Annuities Committee, Faculty Senate and P&S Council will be asked to make a recommendation to Seagrave, who will make the final decision on whether to offer the option.
A subcommittee of the Benefits Committee in September will recommend adoption of the policy, said Mark Powers, chair. Assuming the full committee accepts the recommendation, it will be sent to Seagrave.
Kerry Dixon-Fox, P&S Council president, said the policy is expected to be on the P&S agenda in early fall. Hopper said he hopes the Faculty Senate will vote on the issue at the September meeting.
Madden said if the policy is approved, the option would be offered to employees as part of the fall insurance enrollment in late October and early November for the coming year.
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