Inside Iowa State
August 11, 2000
LAS College awards
Ten faculty members in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences were recognized for outstanding research, teaching and service last spring. They are:, professor of mathematics, Outstanding Teaching Award.
- Jonathan Smith
John Lajoie , assistant professor of physics and astronomy, Outstanding Introductory Teaching Award.Jack Davidson , assistant professor of philosophy and religion, Early Achievement in Teaching.Lise Vesterlund , assistant professor of economics, Early Achievement in Teaching.Robert Houk , professor of chemistry, Excellence in Research Award.Costas Soukoulis , professor of physics and astronomy, Excellence in Research Award.Frank Krennrich , assistant professor of physics and astronomy, Early Achievement in Research.Thomas Weber , professor of physics and astronomy, Academic Advising Award.Math department, Outreach Award, for Y2K efforts: Max Gunzburger, professor and chairman of the department (coordinator); Steven Hou, assistant professor; Janet Peterson, professor; and Xiaoming Wang, assistant professor. Joseph Burnett, teaching laboratory associate, chemistry department, P&S Excellence Award.
FCS college honors
Seven College of Family and Consumer Sciences faculty and staff received awards at the 2000 CFCS honors dinner last spring.
- Nancy Miller, associate professor, textiles and clothing, Helen LeBaron Hilton Teaching Award.
- Ann Marie Fiore, associate professor textiles and clothing, Career Teaching Award.
- Carla Peterson, associate professor, human development and family studies, Research Excellence Award.
- Ruth Glock, assistant professor, textiles and clothing, CFCS International Award.
- John Strong, associate professor, human development and family studies, Outstanding Adviser Award.
- Karen Linnan, program coordinator, human development and family studies, Professional and Scientific Outstanding Service Award.
- Linda Ritland, secretary in human development and family studies, Merit Staff Outstanding Service Award.
Institute fellow
Thomas McGee, professor of materials science and engineering and of biomedical engineering (Veterinary Medicine), recently was honored with the title of fellow of the National Institute of Ceramic Engineers.
Hoover board of trustees
James Melsa, dean of the College of Engineering, has been named to a three-year term on the board of trustees of the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library Association in West Branch.
Senior adviser
Walt Gmelch, dean of the College of Education, served as a senior adviser to an international group of 60 professionals in higher education attending a week-long seminar, "Alternate Systems for Structures for Higher Education: Public Needs and Institutional Response for the 21st Century;" held in Salzburg, Austria, in July.
Service award
Ron Santi, recently retired director of business affairs, received the Bert C. Ahrens Award from the National Association of Educational Buyers last spring for his years of outstanding service to higher education through NAEB.
Outstanding service
Doug Kenealy, university professor of animal science, has received the third annual Thomas B. Thielen Award from the ISU Division of Student Affairs. The award is named for former vice president for student affairs Tom Thielen.
Early career award
Clark Miller, assistant professor of political science and a research scientist with the International Institute of Theoretical and Applied Physics, is the recipient of a Faculty Early Career Development award from the National Science Foundation.
Regents awards
Five P&S and one Supervisory/Confidential staff members were among the state employees honored by the Board of Regents, State of Iowa, in July. Mick Osborn, a supervisor in the heating plant, was the S/C recipient of the Regents Award for Staff Excellence. P&S recipients were Patricia Dale, manager in Accounts Receivable; Kristi Harkins, associate scientist in the Office of Biotechnology; Brian Meyer, communications specialist in the College of Agriculture; Katherine Rice, assistant to the dean in the College of Engineering; and William Vernon Windsor III, dance musician and assistant computer classroom supervisor in the College of Education.
National advising award
Jane Jacobson, academic adviser in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, has received an Outstanding Adviser award from the National Academic Advising Association.
Elected fellow
Riad Mahayani, chair of the department of community and regional planning, has been selected a fellow of the American Institute of Certified Planners, the professional institute of the American Planning Association.
National award
Stephen Ford, professor of animal science, has been selected for the 2000 Physiology and Endocrinology Award, given by the American Society of Animal Science.
Fulbright seminar participant
Michelle Mattson, assistant professor of foreign languages and literatures, participated in the 2000 Fulbright German studies seminar "History and Memory: Jewish Past and Present in Germany," June 17-July 7.
Woman of Achievement
Lenola Allen-Sommerville, assistant to the dean for minority recruitment and retention in the College of Education, has been named one of four "Women of Achievement" this year by the YWCA of Greater Des Moines.
Invited speaker
Colin Scanes, interim director of the Plant Sciences Institute, spoke at the 117th annual convention of the American Seed Trade Association in San Francisco in June. His presentation on the Plant Sciences Institute goals and activities was part of the agricultural biotechnology session.
Honorable mention
Steve Kravinsky, director of career services for the colleges of Business and Liberal Arts and Sciences, received an honorable mention in the National Association of Colleges and Employers' annual Awards of Excellence (educational category) for the "Study and Work in Australia/New Zealand or the UK" program.
Volunteer of the year
Richard Doyle, system control technician with the athletic department, was awarded the University Volunteer of the Year award by the Special Olympics of Iowa.
Costume society fellow
Jane Farrell-Beck, University Professor in textiles and clothing, recently was made a fellow of the Costume Society of America.
Homepage gets kudos
Iowa State University won second place in a homepage competition sponsored by The Campus Safety Health and Environmental Management Division of the National Safety Council. The award was presented in July at the International Conference on Campus Safety in Palo Alto, Calif.
Research recognized
James Olson, Distinguished Professor of biochemistry, biophysics and molecular biology, has received the Conrad A. Elvehjem Award for Public Service in Nutrition from the American Society for Nutritional Sciences.
Engineering award
Vijay Vittal, professor of electrical and computer engineering, has received the Outstanding Power Engineering Educator Award from the Power Engineering Society, a branch of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering.
AVS Fellow
Patricia Thiel, professor and chair of chemistry and program director for materials chemistry at Ames Laboratory, has been elected a Fellow of the American Vacuum Society.
ACE award winners
ISU representatives received several awards during the U.S. Agricultural Communicators' Congress in Washington, D.C., in July.
- Brian Meyer, College of Agriculture's Communications Service, Agricultural Communicators in Education (ACE) Award of Excellence in Writing.
- Eric Abbott, professor in the Greenlee School of Journalism and Communication, ACE Award of Excellence in Research.
- Susan Thompson, College of Agriculture's Communications Service, ACE Pioneer award from the North Central Region.
- Brian Meyer and Lynn Ekblad, gold award in graphic design for College of Agriculture's 1998 annual report.
- Julie Todd, Beth Kroeschell and Marlin Rice, gold in the newsletter category for Integrated Crop Management newsletter.
- Elaine Edwards, Carol Ouverson, Sherry Hoyer, Laura Sternweis, Del Marks, Melva Berkland and Barb Abbott, silver in writing within a specialized publication category for the 1998 ISU Extension annual report.
- Julie Mangels, Juls Design, two silvers in the graphic design category for the 1998-99 Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture annual report and for a Leopold Center poster.
- Heather Brumm, Rich Beachler, Dave Pavlik, Elaine Edwards and Allan Schmidt, silver in the interactive multimedia and Web graphics category and silver in the best innovative use of communication technology for the Cy's Market/FoodTracer display developed for the 1999 Farm Progress Show.
- Allan Schmidt, Tia Huggins, Heather Brumm, Jane Lenahan and Tom Lloyd, two silvers in distance education and instructional design category for Hispanic Communications project.
- Elaine Edwards, Dave Pavlik, Doug Cooper, Laura Sternweis, Tom Greiner, Jolene McCoy, Carol Ouverson, Rich Pope, Judy Isaacson, Julie Todd, Sherry Hoyer, Karen Bolluyt, Megan Kuhn, Susan Thompson, Melva Berkland, Ed Adcock, Brian Meyer, Diane Nelson, Del Marks and Barb McManus, silver in the promotional or marketing campaign for educational materials or programs category for exhibits at the 1999 Farm Progress Show.
- Laura Miller, bronze in the writing within a specialized publication for her work in the Leopold Letter.
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URL: http://www.inside.iastate.edu/2000/0811/honors.htmlRevised 8/9/00