Inside Iowa State
August 11, 2000What are you doing at the fair?
Colleen Jolly
extension specialist, human development and family studies
I'll be working to make sure the "Sharing Your Stories: Iowans Tell Their Stories Across Generations" display in the Varied Industries Buildings runs smoothly. We'll be introducing a new ISU Extension Web site that will promote conversations among all generations. It features stories contributed by five generations of Iowans on work, family, neighborhood, school, hard times, hope and history. Fair goers can read or listen to the stories and add their own and learn more about how to use the site. We hope people will enjoy learning more about the experiences of other generations and get excited about sharing stories in their own families or communities.
Shirley Stakey
extension program specialist, Youth and 4-H
My role as building supervisor is to work with all the 4-H'ers, staff and judges as they set up and evaluate about 4,000 exhibits and displays. I'm always in awe of all that has been accomplished by 4-H'ers across the state. I'll also work with about 1,800 4-H'ers in the communications program, doing educational presentations, working exhibits, and extemporaneous speaking and "Share the Fun." Come and see all the displays and activity in the 4-H Exhibit Building, located in the southwest corner of the fair grounds.
Barbara McManus
communication specialist, Agriculture Information Services
I'm excited about interacting with everyone at our exhibit, "Food Safety: Farm Gate to Plate," which will feature the past, present and future of food safety. The display focuses on food science technology and will help fair goers understand more about the ISU linear accelerator and food irradiation. Visitors will be able to view foodborne bacteria through microscopes, watch an animation of the linear accelerator and access Web sites about food safety. Children will be able to color over an etching and make food safety tips appear. Stop in and visit the College of Agriculture display on the second floor in the northeast corner of the Agriculture Building.
Katherine Perkins
producer, WOI Radio
I'll be hosting WOI's locally produced programs from the fair. Talk of Iowa can be heard from 10 to 11 a.m. weekdays.Many of our regular guests will be joining us, so it's a great opportunity to meet those familiar voices. Doug Cooper and I will focus on fair activities during Midday from noon until 1 p.m. We'll be in the northeast corner under the Grandstand.