Inside Iowa State
August 11, 2000
Dr. Drew brings advice to campus
by Steve Sullivan
Dr. Drew Pinsky, co-host of the MTV advice show, Loveline, will kick off the new academic year with a lecture on "Drugs, Sex and Relationships."
Pinsky will speak and take audience questions at 8 p.m. in Stephens Auditorium on Friday, Aug. 25. His talk is free and open to the public.
A certified internist and addictionalogist, Pinsky is the medical director for the department of chemical dependency services at Las Encinas Hospital in Pasadena, Calif., and the chief of service in the department of medicine. He is also the co-author of The Dr. Drew and Adam Book: A Survival Guide to Life and Love.
As the co-host of Loveline, now on both radio and MTV, Pinsky dispenses wisdom on drugs, sex and relationships. He began hosting Loveline 15 years ago, long before it became a popular syndicated radio and TV program.
Loveline mixes humor and professional expertise as Pinsky and co-host comedian Adam Corolla answer questions from members of the studio audience and viewers around the country via telephone, fax and e-mail. The pair address such issues as teen pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, suicide, domestic violence, drug addiction and sexual dysfunction.
"The goal of the show, first and foremost, is education, and secondly, to help people as much as we possibly can," Pinsky said.
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