Inside Iowa State
July 7, 2000
Presidential search committee named
by Diana Pounds
A 27-member search committee, led by Business Dean Benjamin Allen, will meet to begin the search for a new Iowa State president in a couple of weeks.The newly appointed committee's first task will be to develop criteria for the selection of the successor to President Martin Jischke, who will become president of Purdue University on Aug. 14.
"We'll solicit ideas from the campus community and others as we develop the criteria," Allen said. The job description and criteria for selection must be approved by Board of Regents, State of Iowa, he added.
The regents have selected the search firm of Korn/Ferry International, Dallas, Texas, to assist in the search.
Following are members of the search committee:
Chair of search committee
Benjamin Allen, dean and Distinguished Professor in Business, College of Business
Representatives of the faculty and administration (11)
David Hopper, president, Faculty Senate, and professor, department of veterinary diagnostic and production animal medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine
Max Rothschild, Charles F. Curtiss Distinguished Professor in Agriculture, department of animal science, College of Agriculture
Roy Teas, Distinguished Professor in Business, department of marketing, College of Business;
Jennifer Bloomer, professor, department of architecture, College of Design
Jerry Thomas, departmental executive officer and professor, department of health and human performance, College of Education
James Bernard, Anson Marston Distinguished Professor in Engineering, director, virtual reality applications center, department of mechanical engineering, College of Engineering
Mary Littrell, professor, department of textiles and clothing, College of Family and Consumer Sciences
Mark Gordon, Distinguished Professor in Liberal Arts and Sciences, department of chemistry, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Susan Carpenter, professor, department of veterinary microbiology & preventive medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine
Shirley Dunlap, associate professor, department of music, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Olivia Madison (representing the deans), dean and professor, Library
Representatives of the ISU staff (3)
Kerry Dixon, president of the Professional and Scientific Council, and project coordinator, facilities planning and management
Ronald Irvin, field specialist, Cooperative Extension
Andrew Bock, president of AFSCME Local 96 and library assistant, Library
Representatives of the ISU Students (4)
Benjamin Golding, president, Government of the Student Body, and senior, construction engineering
Katrina Korb, president, Honors Student Board, and junior, elementary education
Brian Anderson, president, Graduate Student Senate, and graduate student, department of chemical engineering
Debbie Martinez, graduate student, sociology
Representatives of the ISU Alumni (4)
Peg Armstrong-Gustafson, Waukee, former vice president of marketing, Pioneer Hi-Bred International, member of the ISU Athletic Council and other university boards
Steve Mores, president and co-publisher, Tribune Newspapers Inc., Harlan, member of Greenlee School of Journalism Advisory Board, Athletic Council and other ISU boards
Les Omotani, superintendent, West Des Moines Community schools, and winner of Iowa State's Jordan L. Larson Award for excellence in educational administration
Steven Zumbach, partner in Belin Lamson McCormick Zumbach Flynn, Des Moines, former member of Board of Regents, deputy chair of Partnership for Prominence fund-raising campaign, winner of alumni Medal and Outstanding Young Alum Awards
Representatives selected by the president of the board of regents (3)
R. Kyle Phillips, corn and soybean grower; Knoxville area, ISU alum, and helps sponsor an agricultural scholarship given through Future Farmers of America
James Stein, chairman, Central State Bank, Muscatine, ISU alum, serves on advisory committee of the College of Veterinary Medicine, has served on ISU Foundation committees and is a member of several ISU boards and groups
Jamie Stensland, president, Write Away Communications, Waverly, ISU alumna, president of ISU Alumni Association, member of several ISU boards and groups
Board of Regents (ex officio)
Robert J. Barak, deputy executive director and director of academic affairs, Board of Regents, State of Iowa
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