Inside Iowa State
June 30, 2000
Varied season ahead at Stephens
by Connie Regenold,
News Service intern
Shakespeare, internationally renowned orchestras, touring productions of Broadway musicals, and ethnic songs and dances are just some of the treats in store during the 2000-2001 season at Stephens.
The Royal Winnipeg Ballet will present Dracula, the legendary story of the tormented count, on Oct. 31. Another ballet, Don Quixote, will be presented Jan. 18. Other dance events will include a performance by the Veriovka Ukrainian National Dance Company (Oct. 2) and August Rising, performed by the China Theater of Beijing on March 8.
The Vienna Symphony Orchestra will perform classical music selections on Nov. 2, and the Russian National Orchestra will perform on Feb. 11. Other musical performances include The Capitol Steps (Oct. 13), Canadian Brass (Dec. 2), O Holy Night, A Gospel Christmas (Dec. 12), BeauSoleil's 25th Anniversary Tour (March 30), the Girls Choir of Harlem (April 24), and the Afro-Cuban All Stars (April 28).
A musical adaptation of the children's classic Peter Pan will be performed March 2. Other family shows include Luma - Theater of Light (Sept. 17) and The Very Hungry Caterpillar/The Very Quiet Cricket (Oct. 22).
Winner of six Tony Awards, the musical Chicago will be presented on March 23. Other musicals include Footloose (Oct. 24) and Show Boat (Feb. 23). Shakespeare's comedy Much Ado About Nothing will be on Nov. 14, and The Diary of Anne Frank on Feb. 7.
Tickets are available through subscription sales through July 31. Individual show sales begin Aug. 1. Ticket prices range from $8 to $40. For more information, call 4-3347.
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