Inside Iowa State
June 30, 2000
Gift funds scholarships
by Steve Sullivan
A $510,000 gift from the estate of Andrew L. Pontius Sr., a 1931 Iowa State electrical engineering graduate, will go toward undergraduate engineering scholarships.The gift will create the Andrew and Marion Pontius Scholarship Fund in the College of Engineering. Pontius Scholarships will be awarded to freshman and sophomore engineering students on the basis of academic achievement. Amounts and numbers of scholarships will vary each year.
Pontius, who died April 22, was born in Chicago and raised in Ft. Dodge. During his career he served as plant manager for A.B. Dick Co., Chicago, and president of Powers Regulator Co., Skokie, Ill. He retired as president in the late 1960s. He served on the board of directors of Square D. Corp., Palatine, Ill., from 1969 to 1979.
Pontius and his late wife, Marion, were residents of Arlington Heights, Ill.
The couple's gifts have helped fund several Iowa State projects, including construction of the Durham Computation Center.
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