Inside Iowa State
June 30, 2000
E-commerce input needed
Iowa State departments that allow (or plan to allow) students and others to pay fees or make purchases via a Web site should notify one of the E-Commerce Working Group contacts listed below.
The group, which includes 14 members from across the university, is developing standards and best practices for e-commerce at Iowa State.
"E-commerce is convenient and increasingly popular," said Joan Thompson, university treasurer and chair of the e- commerce group,"but it also can pose serious security and liability risks. The group will develop e-commerce methods that are both secure and easy for departments to implement on their Web pages."
"We need input from everyone who is already doing or thinking about doing e-commerce at Iowa State, so we can take their needs into consideration," she added.
Thompson said the committee is planning to have a pilot e- commerce project in operation by January 2001.
E-Commerce Working Group contacts
Please notify one of these individuals about your current or proposed e-commerce project.
- Joan Thompson, treasurer's office, 4-6854, jkthomp@iastate.edu
- Diane Beckman, administrative data processing, 4-0884, dbeckma@iastate.edu
- Dave Popelka, academic information technologies, 4-7007, dpopelka@iastate.edu
Iowa State homepage
Inside Iowa State, inside@iastate.edu, University Relations
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