Inside Iowa State
June 30, 2000
William J. Kernan Jr.
William J. Kernan Jr., 66, died June 22 in Ames of congestive heart failure. He was a professor in the phyics and astronomy department from 1963 to 1996.
Kimberly Stratton
Ames resident Kimberly Stratton, 30, publications and marketing coordinator for the Fire Service Institute at Iowa State, died June 15 in Des Moines from injuries received in a car accident. She had been employed at ISU since 1996.
William Shewchuk
William Shewchuk, 67, Port St. Lucie, Fla., died April 23. He served as the commanding officer of Attack Squadron 83, the NROTC unit at Iowa State, from 1978 to 1981.
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URL: http://www.inside.iastate.edu/2000/0630/deaths.htmlRevised 6/28/00