Inside Iowa State
June 30, 2000
University closed July 4
Tuesday, July 4, is a national holiday. ISU classes will not be in session and university offices are closed. Offices are open and classes will meet Monday, July 3.
Iowa Games July 14-16
Iowa Games will hold its state final Summer Games on campus and at other Ames locations Friday-Sunday, July 14-16. Volunteers still are sought to assist at specific sport venues; call Jan Williams at the Ames Convention & Visitors Bureau, 232-4032, to volunteer for a shift.
LAS associate dean appointed
Steve Rodermel, professor of botany, has been named associate dean of budget and personnel for the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, effective July 1. He succeeds Peter Orazem, professor of economics, who has served in the position on an interim basis since 1998 and will return to teaching.A faculty member at Iowa State since 1990, Rodermel has served as the chair of the interdepartmental genetics program for the past two years. In fall 1997, he was a visiting professor with the Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth in Kyoto, Japan.
Teaching seminar set
All teaching assistants (new and returning) and new faculty are invited to a teaching seminar Aug. 15-16 in the Memorial Union. It's offered by the Graduate College and Center for Teaching Excellence. The free seminar includes a family picnic supper Aug. 15 at Moore Memorial Park.A schedule of events and registration form is online at www.cte.iastate.edu/ctseminar00.html. Participants are asked to register via this Web site.
Blood drive July 12-13
A blood drive will be held from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Memorial Union Great Hall Wednesday and Thursday, July 12-13. The drive is sponsored by The Blood Center of Central Iowa and Mary Greeley Medical Center. No appointments are needed. Donors must be in general good health, weigh at least 110 pounds, be at least 17 years old and have eaten a good meal prior to donating. The entire process, from registration through refreshment following the donation, takes about 45 minutes. For more information, contact Laura Hannam, (800) 287-4903.
Comp Center gets new name
The Computation Center will become the Office of Academic Information Technologies (AIT) on July 1 to better reflect its focus on supporting campus academic priorities through information technology. Groups in the new AIT unit include Geographic Information Systems, High-Performance and Research Computing, Public Services and Technical Services. For more information, call 4-2787.
Tuition grant applications due
Tuition grant applications for fall semester for eligible Merit and P&S employees are due at 5 p.m. Friday, July 28, in the department of human resource services, 125 Beardshear (note address change). Tuition is $122/one undergraduate credit and $192/ one graduate credit. Applications are available in 125 Beardshear, from Dawn Smith (4-6458) or online at www.iastate.edu/~hrs_info/ClassComp/meritforms.html (merit) or www.iastate.edu/~hrs_info/ClassComp/p&sforms.html. Be sure to use the revised form.
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URL: http://www.inside.iastate.edu/2000/0609/announcements.htmlRevised 6/28/00